More than 10 schools??

<p>How do I send my FAFSA to more than 10 schools?</p>


So the FAFSA site has this to say: The problem is that when I called them to add more schools like they say I can, they refused to do so. They told me I needed to delete schools, but they never said that then those schools would actually see the FAFSA. Instead, the guy in customer service said “That’s why we always tell people to put the schools they think they are most likely to get into first.” Have things changed for this year? 2015?

Sorry to hear that. You must contacted an inexperienced rep. You could

That’s how I done for my son a few years back.

How soon can you do this? Once you get a confirmation email from FAFSA? Or do you need to get a confirmation from the schools themselves?

As soon as the FAFSA was processed.