<p>In case you don't already know, MIT requires 8 points of PE, which can be fulfilled by being in a varsity team (4 points), doing ROTC (2 points), taking an advanced credit exam (2 points), and/or taking PE classes.</p>
<p>take fencing too, and go for the pirate's degree! yarrr!</p>
<p>(if you've never heard of it, fencing, sailing and pistol are generally consdiered a pirate's minor; some like to add in a ropes course and some swimming, too)</p>
<p>Pistol Upends Navy For National Title, Earn Eight All-America Honors
March 21, 2005</p>
<p>CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - The MIT pistol team claimed its first national title since 1974 by upsetting the U.S. Naval Academy at the NRA Intercollegiate Pistol Championship. The Engineers edged out the nationally-ranked No. 1 Midshipmen by four points, preventing them from earning their fifth consecutive crown. MIT captured its fourth crown in the program's history, with previous victories occurring in 1971 and 1972.</p>
<p>As a team, Tech placed first in air and free, and sixth in standard pistol. On the women's side, MIT finished second in air and third in sport. David Schannon won the Men's Grand Aggregate Award while Diana Nee totaled the second-highest women's grand aggregate.</p>
<p>The Engineers collected eight All-America accolades, the most in the program's history. Schannon was a First-Team selection in both the free and air events. Michael Horvath was named to the First Team for air pistol and the Second Team in free. Walter Lin received Second-Team selections for standard and air. Diana Nee was tabbed for the Second Team in sport and was an Honorable Mention in air.</p>
<p>What kinds of boats are sailed at MIT? I'm most familiar with Optis (Optimists), but I'm guessing Olympic-class boats are most prevalent, right?</p>
<p>Yep. There are. I tested out of ice skating P.E., for example. Basically, the teachers gave me a list of manuevers to perform, I did them, and they let me test out. But there's a limit to how many you can test out of. I think it's one or two classes, max?</p>
<p>note, there's a difference between MIT varsity sports teams and the PE classes, which are often taught/coached by some of the same folks, but have a time commitment and skill level commensurate with their point values (4 and 2, respectively)</p>
<p>i'm not that into sailing myself, but have gone out in the pavilion's rhodes and lasers several times, if that answers your question.</p>
<p>it's a valid area for commentary, that MIT consistently does better at sports like fencing, pistol, rifle, and various martial arts.</p>