Most Awkward Possible Cell Phone Ringtone

<p>I don’t think ringtones from kid’s TV shows would be embarrassing.</p>



<p>Now THIS is funny and embarrassing.</p>

<p>Hahaha, I’ve actually heard a “Jizz in my Pants” ringtone go off in the middle of class.</p>

<p>We were sitting in my class yesterday at my U. A small seminar class (20 students?) and the teacher is the dean of my residential college. Someone forgot to turn their phone off and got a text. Her text alert is “Hey (female dog), it’s yo booty call!” The dean was like “Wah…???” and the class started crying we were laughing so hard lol.</p>

<p>haha, I did watch Dragon Tales as a kid however I would NEVER set it as my ringtone…lol. Booty Booty Booty Booty Rock it Everywhere! haha i luvv that song. lol XD</p>

<p>trumpetgrl! :D</p>

<p>^Spammer .</p>

<p>I didn’t know CC had legit spammers.</p>

<p>You are missing the most profound question of all: There is no network in an elevator! =0</p>

<p>But if you ask me, I would say a Rick Roll, a Digimon, a Take on me, or a This is Sparta would certainly be a surprise.</p>

<p>Single Ladies as a girl’s ringtone is just her saying ‘I’m REALLY desperate.’</p>

<p>I have a ringtone on my phone that is pretty funny. It has fast-paced club music to it and goes like this:</p>

<p>“Ahh me so horny, ahh ahh me so horny. Ahh me so horny, ahh ahh me so horny.”</p>

<p>It repeats 3 or 4 times.</p>

<p>I usually have my phone on vibrate, so nobody has heard it go off yet.</p>

<p>Soulja Boy Off In This Hoe
Watch Me Crank It
Watch Me Roll
Watch Me Crank Dat Soulja Boy
Then Super Man Dat Hoe

<p>^ I want someone to have that as their ringtone and start dancing whenever their phone rings.</p>

<p>heavy panting, reminiscent of a woman in the midst of an intense orgasm.</p>

<p>My ringtone is the Smells Like Teen Spirit remix of Never Gonna Give You Up :P</p>