Most FSU College of Medicine students to remain in Florida for residency training

<p>"This is great news for the state of Florida with an extraordinarily high number—58 percent—of our students able to remain here at a time when there simply aren't enough residency positions in the state to go around," said College of Medicine Dean J. Ocie Harris, M.D. "Overall, seeing that every one of our students had a successful match, and the quality of the programs they matched with, is a very strong indication of the first-rate medical education they are receiving here at Florida State."</p>

<p>The residency match, conducted annually by the National Resident Matching Program, is the primary system that matches applicants to residency programs with available positions at U.S. teaching hospitals. Graduating medical students across the country receive their match information at the same time on the same day.</p>

<p>See: FSU</a> News</p>