<p>virginia tech has a "21st century studies" minor focusing on nomadism and innovation.</p>
<p>virginia tech has a "21st century studies" minor focusing on nomadism and innovation.</p>
<p>Medieval Studies. Sounds like the most fascinating major possible to me:)</p>
<p>In Cornell, they have a major in bagpipes</p>
<p>I heard a rumor of an NYU student that majored in Evil. Also whatever major Will Shortz created at Indiana (enigmatology I believe) is just pure awesomesauce.</p>
<p>I majored in medieval studies! It was amazing. You have to be really interested in Christianity and willing to tackle more than one dead language, but it was completely worth it.</p>
<p>PR (biased)</p>
<p>It’s not Cornell with the bagpipes major it’s Carnegie Mellon.</p>
<p>You can study wine-making at Cornell haha.</p>
<p>I found a cool article on unusual degrees here: [Most</a> Unusual College Degrees | eHow.com](<a href=“http://www.ehow.com/info_7986168_unusual-college-degrees.html]Most”>http://www.ehow.com/info_7986168_unusual-college-degrees.html)****</p>
<p>^Hahahah “Hello, I have a masters in puppetry”</p>
<p>I think Florida U has a Starcraft major :D</p>
<p>Masters in Creativity is pretty creative.</p>
<p>Experimental Education.</p>
<p>Turf Grass Science.</p>
<p>ufology, future studies (futurology).</p>
<p>how do you even get tested on this?</p>
<p>Most interesting one I’ve heard is creative writing.</p>
<p>Underwater basket weaving</p>
<p>Florida U? University of Florida?
And no, they don’t have such a major.</p>
<p>guy in one of my classes today talked about how people can get paid $15/hr to pose in the nude to be part of painting/sketching classes.</p>
<p>Apparently, a dude’s balls will move by itself over time, even though he’s perfectly still. Like it’s got a mind of its own</p>
<p>And what if you get a boner?</p>