Most Misspelled College Names

<p>I see this a lot:
"Berkely" - Berkeley
and also
"John Hopkin" - Johns Hopkins</p>

<p>Add your own!</p>

<p>John Hopkins & Berkely are definitely the top 2.</p>

<p>Since I know Pittsburgh is one of the most commonly misspelled city names, I imagine the University of Pittsburgh gets "Pittsburg" much like the city.</p>

<p>Berkeley - "Berkley" or "Berkely" or "CAL" (it's Cal)
Stanford - "Standford"
Johns Hopkins - "John Hopkins"</p>

<p>Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute</p>

<p>haha. One of my best friends is headed there, and I still had to google the correct spelling. </p>

<p>The problem names you mentioned aren't because people have trouble spelling them, but rather because they're typing quickly on a BB.</p>



<p>I've never seen anyone spell Stanford that way before... that's pretty special...</p>

<p>RPI is ridiculous to spell, I think they should give out a minor or certificate just to get the first word right...</p>

<p>^^ Lol. Hanging around third graders?</p>

<p>It's either RPI or Wellesley.</p>

I've never seen anyone spell Stanford that way before... that's pretty special...


<p>I see it all the time--from prospies, CCers, even parents of Stanford students. You have no idea how discouraging it is to have someone ask you, "So how do you get into Standford??? I rly want to know b/c I might want to go there." :rolleyes:</p>

<p>RPI for sure. Two "Ns" or two "Ss"!</p>

<p>RPI & Bryn Mawr</p>

<p>Rensselaer - I've tried to learn how to spell it numerous times. Just now I tried on Google and needed several tries before I could get close enough.</p>

<p>My daughter once considered applying to Bryn Mawr, but I told her she couldn't attend any school that I couldn't spell.</p>


<p>Barely missed on Transylvania University?</p>

<p>Swathmore. </p>

<p>(Just because most people don't pronounce the first r, doesn't mean it's not there!)</p>

<p>Swarthmore, Bryn Mawr, Wellesley/Wesleyan definitely come to mind...</p>

<p>Centre College and U of Cincinnati</p>

<p>It must be RPI, at least on a % basis.</p>

<p>Szkoła Gł</p>