Most Misspelled Colleges

<li><p>Johns Hopkins University
Errors: John Hopkins University
Johns Hopkin University
John Hopkin University
John’s Hopkin University
John Hopkin’s University</p></li>
<li><p>Carnegie Mellon University
Errors: Carnagie Mellon University
Carnegie Melon University</p></li>
<li><p>Wellesley College
Errors: Too many to list</p></li>


<p>I keep on writing DartHmouth</p>

<p>I just watched too many times Star Wars</p>

University of California: Berkley</p>

<p>Notre Dame
Norter Dame</p>

<p>RPI - I put it this way for obvious reasons.</p>

<p>Juilliard is commonly misspelled
haha i agree with RPI</p>


<p>That would be: Berkeley!</p>


<p>i know..........first i said UCB and then i wrote the mispelled error one...i didnt misspell if thats what you were wondering</p>

<p>yeah uc berkeley is mispelled alot</p>

<p>This isnt too common but i've seen it..
Columbia...spelled like the county Colombia</p>

<p>Wrong, ATCA. It's The Johns Hopkins University. :p</p>

<p>Duke is often spelled Dook (on purpose). :eek: </p>

<p>I've also seen Stanford spelled Stanfurd.</p>

<p>I see Standford, Havery Mudd, and Vanderbuilt all the time. Rensselaer is the coolest looking word when it's spelled out, but not many people for obvious reasons mentioned above.</p>

<p>I'll tell you this. Noone misspells Harvard and Yale. :D</p>

<p>You just did. It's Hahvuhd. :p</p>

<p>Bryn Mawr.</p>



<p>Also, "alot" is misspelled a lot, and "mispelled" is misspelled a lot.</p>

<p>Nobody misspells Yale. I've seen Havard a few times.</p>

<p>Cheers to coureur. People don't generally misspell "Smith," though I personally tend to type it initially with an "o," then I correct myself...I did that again this time.</p>

<p>UC Berkeley :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Notre Dame, why I don't know.</p>

<p>It's either Norter Dame or Noter Dame.</p>

<p>Haverford and Harvard
2 separate schools people</p>

<p>Macalester -- I've seen it spelled Macalaster a lot, but I imagine it gets a lot of Mcalester and Mcalaster as well.</p>