<p>I’m currently a high school graduate waiting to begin my major at RIT this fall. There hasn’t been a career field that I’ve wanted to pursue, everything seems to me as just work and the intent of it all is to get a paycheck to be able to live. My desire is to pick a specific business related degree [was accepted to the business school part – split second decision] that will generate the most income in the future.</p>
<p>Choices include: Accounting, Finance, International Business, Management (Commonly referred to as Business Administration), Management Information Systems, Marketing, New Media Marketing, and Videos.
By “generating the most income”, I’m learning towards the near 100K mark (But hey, I will also take more!). My desire isn’t to be driven by greed, rather to fulfil my two desires that I live for. To provide a future for my other half and I, and to make my parents proud. Regardless of the field I choose, I will put 200% effort into it. Here are my views on some of these degrees:</p>
<p>Management – Most overly picked business degree, most people probably have the intent of being put in charge of a large business right after college. To say the least, they are disappointed in the end. You can’t really become head of a business unless you climb the corporate ladder and it seems most entry-level business jobs look for Finance degrees in that regards.</p>
<p>International Business – I don’t see much need for this field in small businesses, and the likelihood of getting put into a somewhat large business out of college, or at least with some experience, is rare.</p>
<p>Management Information System - The major I chose to pursue. I’ve been a techy guy for most of my life. I’ve spent my time messing around with computer-related items, ran several businesses online that related to computer/server services, and I’ve been entrusted with role of the student IT assistant during my high school career. IT itself is not a profitable career, but a MIS degree is the managerial side of things which does bring the nice paycheck. Yet, after “Googling” people with a MIS degree, it seems they are still doing IT related things. They are getting their IT certifications, they started off working at support help desks, and a lot of them are simply IT guys. If I wanted to become an IT guy, I would have chosen the IT degree in the College of Computing, but I chose MIS in the College of Business yet I saw that MIS majors are going for IT jobs (this was based on 7 people I saw ranting on IT forums). I would love to be an information systems manager, and out of all the business degrees, this interests me the most, yet is this the best degree for it (and for my desire to receive that nice paycheck)?</p>
<p>Finance and Accounting (Not Combined) – I’ve seen many people argue Finance is the best degree to choose as it’s harder than Accounting. Some say it’s the other way around. To say the least, entry-level jobs love Finance majors.</p>
<p>Marketing/Videos – No.</p>
<p>Basically, my question is: Which degree will bring the most income? I will be pursuing one of them this fall for four years and will do an accelerated MBA program during my 5th year. So take in consideration that I will most likely have a MBA in one of those concentrations. Also, RIT has mandatory co-op so I will be required to work for a company in the field of my major. So I need to make sure I pick the right degree, so I can make a good impression on a company. </p>
<p>If you can offer even the slightest help, even if it doesn’t answer the whole question, please post anything you have.</p>
<p>Thank you!</p>
<p>-Kevin (Apologies for any grammatical mistakes or awkward sentences – I wrote this late at night while under medication)</p>