Most rigorous courseload??

<p>People have been telling me to take the hardest courses at my college next in order to transfer, but I still don't have an idea of wat they might be. Are the first 2 classes (like 101, 111) of any subject considered "easy" classes? How many classes in my major should I skip in order to be competitive?</p>

<p>You should never skip any classes that will fulfill your major prerequisites. To be as competitive as possible when you apply for transfer, you should have all your major prerequisites completed along with IGETC and even TAP certified (Honors Program) if there is one at your CCC. Never skip any classes in your major unless its not needed. You can check out which classes are your major prerequisites by going to <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Let me list some of the tough courses for you:
-Calculus based physics (normally at CCC, they have 4 courses in a series) and all of them are hard. </p>

<p>-General chem (not so tough but still tough), organic chems are tough. </p>

<p>-Multivariable calculus, differential equations, linear algebra are difficult ones. </p>

<p>-General biology (often they have 3 in a series for bio major) are difficult. </p>

<p>-Some computer science courses.</p>

<p>-Some GEs with super hard professors. </p>

<p>If you want to challenge yourself with rigourous courseload:
Take Physics, Math, Chem or any other combination of 3 of the courses above at the same time (about 14 semester units); If you want more challenging one, take 4 of them (about 19 semester units). </p>

<p>If you can get a 4.0 GPA in those courses, you are almost a genius!</p>

<p>BIG NOTE: DIFFERENT MAJORS REQUIRE DIFFERENT COURSES, though! What I am saying above is mostly the requirement for science or engineering majors.</p>

<p>I had to take Calc I and II again because of major requirements (I took them at a foreign university in high school but they did not count that as credits).</p>

<p>I hope schools don't think I took them cause I was being lazy...</p>

<p>I'm a biochem major, I took bio, chem and calc II in 1 semester and still got a 4.0. Cal better take me.</p>

<p>Uhmm now ppl are starting to say different things:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>In this thread, militarythreat says that I should start with Cal3 or classes like that.</p>

<p>My school has a placement test each year and if one successfully tests out of a class, say econ 110, not only will he go to a higher level class but will also get units for the class he tested out of. Is this considered as skipping? Should I take this placement test also in order to be competitive?</p>

<p>I find it interesting that in kevin101's post, all the courses listed were math/science related. Does that mean someone who isn't a math/science major and takes mostly humanities cannot stand out with a 4.0 in an applicant pool?</p>