Move in dates/times fall 2015: is it easy to get time slot needed?

We will be moving our freshman D in this fall, we live 7 hours away. On move in weekend (which I am assuming is August 14-15-16, younger sibling will have already begun school a few days earlier, and so we really need to drive on Saturday, arrive in afternoon, stay overnight, and drive back home on Sunday. or, drive Friday night and move in sometime Saturday. Is it easy to get the move in day that we need? Or could we end up being assigned Friday or Sunday move in?She will be honors college and requesting suite style dorm as first choice. Thanks for any input!

As long as you log in as early as possible on the day you are assigned to pick your preferred move in day and time slot. You should get a one that will work for your family.

Coming from 12 hours away, we drove down one full day…spent the night…then the entire next day unpacked, set up the dorm, met roommates/families, walked around, got post office box, got some books, oriented our student to the campus and where everything was, went shopping (ugh), had dinner with everyone…and then the next day took off again for the 12 hour return trip. Not all families can do this 3-day process, of course.

Have you considered any of the Action programs (AA, OA, BBE)? These allow honors students to move in a full week prior to when most everyone else does it. That earlier weekend may suit your family situation better?

The actual move-in process is super easy, as has been documented in other threads. Do not underestimate, tho, the time needed to actually get the room/suite set up. After a full day’s driving (and 7 hours is a full day in itself, IMO), you will be tired, it will be hot and humid (and possibly even raining)…and you will then need to squeeze the move into a few short hours before going to bed? It can be done!..just you will need to be super organised. #:-S Two tips:

First, if you have the space in your vehicle to do so, I highly recommend bringing absolutely everything with you that you think you will need for the first month or so at UA, down to soaps, laundry detergent, toiletries, toilet paper, paper towels, snacks, etc. The LAST thing you want to be doing after a 7-hr drive and a 2+ hour move-in, is have to run out to Walmart, Sams, Target, Kmart…with 10k other families doing the same thing… Second, have all your stuff in Rubbermaid bins (or similar), clearly labeled with masking tape, as to where each box goes (kitchen, bath, bed, living, etc.), so these get put immediately into the rooms upon arrival. This will save a lot of time with unpacking. These bins can then be stored by stacking, and some suite-style dorms even have storage rooms out in the hallways…or put under the bed for move-out.

That all said, if you ‘miss’ your move-in time (and arrive later than expected), UA is very understanding and will of course still let you move in right up until the last appointment time for that day. They are less understanding if you arrive ‘early’, so plan accordingly. If you can only afford a 2-day trip, it is probably better to move in after the 7-hr drive (despite what I said above!), because I just think there will be things that you forgot, and you will spend at least a bit of time the 2nd day, shopping for something or organising something with your student…and saying that hard ‘goodbye’ of course. If you get off by noon the 2nd day, your drive is doable. Remember to factor in any applicable time changes!!! :slight_smile:

Definitely consider one of the early programs as Aeromom suggested such as AA or OA.

See this link for move in dates for the early programs. They are extremely beneficial in forming a social network and in helping new students to settle in before campus is in full swing.

As for making your move in go smoothly, the UA operates a highly efficient move in process. What you can do to make it easier once your student’s belongings are delivered to her suite by the move in volunteers is to pack efficiently. Refer to packing and labeling instructions at and follow the guidelines. I also find it useful to number the boxes. The first box should be labeled cleaning supplies and it helps if it contains essentials like disinfectant wipes, shower cleaner, paper towels, trash bags, toilet tissue, and a snack. Cleaners in the foil packs are space savers when packing. This should be the first box at move in and the last box at move out. You’ll also want water bottles. It will be HOT!

Remember, less is often more. Bring what she needs if you can, but kids (parents) often bring too much. If you find she is missing something she needs you won’t have a problem finding it at Target or Walmart, and Bed, Bath & Beyond is hoping to open by then if all goes well. All are nearby if you need to purchase something. Stores will be packed though, so take that into consideration with time constraints. Parking and shopping will be time consuming and will require oatienc for sure.

Good luck!

Thanks for the great advice! I will take all of your organization suggestions to heart! I think we will go ahead and book hotel room for Friday night and Saturday night, to allow more time on Saturday for all the things that will need to be done. Then we will try to get an early move in time Saturday. I am bringing the minivan loaded with items, plus she is bringing a car to campus. So hopefully we will be able to fit most essentials in. I think the Bed Bath and Beyond shipping looks good too. I hadn’t really thought of the heat, since it is so cold here right now in KY!

Y’all might want to pick up an inexpensive vacuum cleaner for the suite (dirt/dust devils and similar ‘stick’ vacuums are downright bad and will not, IMO do anywhere near the job that you want). Anything that requires you to empty the canister = bad. Get a proper canister vc that has bags. It is important, as bamagirls suggests, to have some cleaning supplies handy BEFORE you even unpack anything else! While the dorms are ‘clean’, they are not what you would consider white glove clean and some of the scary things you will find once you move furniture…I picked up a Kenmore canister vc for the suite for about $100 at Sears, and it has proved incredibly useful…S even takes it x-c during the summers because even ‘furnished’ apartments seldom have one, we’ve discovered (during his summer internships). BTW, like that “y’all”?! I saw that my S (not from AL) actually used it in an email he sent recently…as I approach my 2000th post, well, thought I’d try it on for size, too! :wink:

Y’all sounds good to me. I like it! Good advice about vacuum cleaners. I appreciate it! I know that at my house, we have both a stick vac for the kitchen floor and a regular vac for carpet and for using the wand behind things, in corners, etc. I am planning to buy a mattress pad and few other items soon!

Space saver bags are great for mattress pads, comforters, towels, etc.!

I also recommend the early move-in option with AA or OA. There are many slots available in a day, so you shouldn’t have a problem getting the day you want, may not be the exact time, but should be close.