Move-In Day Schedule 2011

<p>My daughter is going to be a freshman this fall and will be rushing. I understand the move-in schedule will be posted tomorrow morning. Does anyone have experience going through this process?

<p>We are in the camp that we can’t decide what we are doing- coming down as S is checking in for AA, coming down mid-week, driving down regular move-in weekend, or shipping everything down. Will try to make a decision tonite so we can pick something.</p>

<p>H had an idea that I would fly down with S for AA and he would drive the stuff and we could drive back together. Might be a good plan. Perhaps it won’t be as busy the weekend prior, but I see a lot of groups are moving in early.</p>

<p>Get on ASAP…when it opens and try very hard to get an 8 or 9 am slot on Friday or Saturday. Last year we couldn’t move in until Saturday am. We moved in at 8 am on Saturday and I was very glad we did. It gave us the WHOLE day to put together, make Target runs, get everything put away, set up computers, printers , pick up books from the Ferg…and on and on. Recruitment will start Sunday night with a big convocation and you will want your DD all settled before then. It’s a crazy busy week and she will have less stress if she is comfy in her room. On another topic if you have a chance come back for Bid Day…it’s an experience you will truly enjoy and one that you will not forget for a long time. Many, many, many parents come and it is AMAZING!</p>

<p>The schedule for move in and recruitment is different this year. Move in in Friday and Saturday, the 12th and 13th. Convocation is on Saturday the 13th and Recruitment starts on Sunday the 14th. Bid Day is Saturday the 20th.</p>

<p>Thanks…since DD has come home I have been so off on dates and since she is moving back down the 28th of July I can say I haven’t paid close attention to the dates so…try hard and get the move in time of 8 or 9 am on Friday the 12th. And if you can go to Bid Day on the 20th :).</p>