Move In Packet

<p>Has anyone received their move packet with the parking pass? Ds got a letter with a brochure on his dorm…the letter said the packets where coming.</p>

<p>??? Got nothin. Received her regular parking permit last week. That’s all.</p>

<p>Im hoping it comes before we leave…</p>

<p>We leave tomorrow to move D in on Friday after EC is over for Summer II. If there is anything important in there she/we need to know about the dorm before moving her in, if it does not come by tomorrow, we won’t have it.</p>

<p>You will only need a parking pass if you are moving in on Aug. 8 or 9 or Aug. 16-18.</p>

<p>We won’t have near as big a traffic issue for the Early College transition, so no worries!

<p>Janine - Do you know when the parking passes will be mailed for August 8-9 move-in?</p>


<p>DS moves in on the 8th… if it doesnt come before we leave…can we get a temp pass from parking services or is there a parking garage?</p>

<p>^^Lisa – I’m sure Janine can chime in, but I called last week re the parking permit since we are leaving this week to begin drive. I was told a 3rd party handles it and Bama had provided the info to the 3rd party and expected delivery to students this week.</p>

<p>We leave tomorrow and have a move in date of 8/9. We will be in the mountains with very limited web access next week. We won’t get to T-Town until 8/8 after business hours. The package did not come in today’s mail. Fingers crossed mail will be delivered before we leave tomorrow.</p>

<p>I did e-mail <a href=“”></a> yesterday to request a pdf of pass. I have not had a response yet. I am sure they are very busy. I also left a voice message.</p>

<p>We have been pleased with Bama’s pro-active responses on every other issue we encountered. I know they will come through, but I am just stressed now. We have way too much stuff to not be able to drive up and drop off. </p>

<p>Hope Jeanine checks in and can provide some guidance.</p>

<p>I called on Friday 8/2 and the person I spoke with said they were printing them and mailing them that day. Should arrive early next week. You can call the office if you don’t receive it before you have to leave for early move in and they should be able to email you a copy.</p>

<p>I put off leaving until Wed night. We are driving at night and plan to get there just before the nine oclock move in. If they went out on the 2nd it should be here by wed. Thanks for the info.</p>

<p>got it yesterday- it is just a parking pass with a map of where to go and where to park</p>

<p>Ours arrived yesterday. The “packet” is an oversized postcard (which you will leave on your dashboard as your parking permit). Easy to miss if you get a lot of junk mail.</p>

<p>I just pulled my junk mail out of the recycling to check, but nothing here yet. I did get a little packet from Bama Laundry - do you think that would work if I put it on my dashboard? :)</p>

<p>We are leaving early Tuesday morning so I guess if it doesn’t come tomorrow I will call.</p>

<p>I still don’t have ours.</p>

<p>Anyone get theirs today???</p>

<p>We did not get our pass today either. Just called housing, and they said should get them by tomorrow. Glad we do not have to leave a couple of days early to move in.</p>

<p>Nothing in Atlanta yet either.</p>

<p>We did not get ours in PA. I sent an e-mail this morning but did not receive a response, so I called this afternoon. They said they would e-mail a pass to my son’s crimson account since we are leaving tomorrow morning. So far no e-mail. I guess if it doesn’t come today I will call again tomorrow and we can print it at the hotel tomorrow night.</p>

<p>They really cut this close, didn’t they?</p>

<p>Didn’t get it in Chicago yet either. Was told they would email over the weekend, but that didn’t happen</p>

<p>We didn’t either.</p>