Move-In Schedule?

Hi, I was wondering if someone could give me some insight on how move-in day works. I see that the first day of classes is August 22nd, and I got accepted into the Blount Program and it says their orientation days are August 20th-21ist. Is move-in day typically the week before? What should I expect? Thank you

In the past move in has been the weekend before classes start. You would move in just before the orientation.

Also keep in mind that there are several programs open to incoming freshman, such as Camp 1831 and Honors Action (you have to be in Honors College for that, but most Blount students are also in the Honors College) Be sure to research those. They are apparently a great way to meet other incoming freshman before school even starts.

Honors Action is the week before school starts and Camp 1831 is the week before that.