Move in scheduled!

<p>Received an email this morning from Alicia Brown stating that move in for EE would be the 19th only due to construction times and when UA takes control of their apartments. Just frustrating that I am ready to sign up for a time but it seems like UA is not!! Oh well…</p>

<p>Sigh…I feel your pain!:slight_smile: We are in the same boat and trying to schedule activities and the earlier start of school here for the siblings etc., it is making my brain hurt.</p>

<p>I’d like to be able to let go of some of the hotel reservations we are hoarding…</p>

<p>I was told at 8:15 it would be 15 minutes. Now they have me emailing D’s info to their IT person. What fun!!</p>

<p>We have a 4pm move in time on 8/11 to Riverside West. Wanted a time after noon so it will work for scheduling purposes; hope the heat isn’t too much.</p>

<p>Why do some of you appear to be staying several days at move-in? We are driving in on a Friday night, moving him in at 8 a.m. on Saturday, and getting the hell out of Dodge.</p>

<p>August 10th at 5pm! i’ll take it</p>

<p>Just heard back from Housing. They said that there is an issue with the system not updating the East Edge assignments. IT is working on it and will let me know when the problem has been resolved.</p>

<p>Slippy, we are doing something similar. Will fly in early in am, move in in afternoon. Spend the night and get anything else he needs, then fly out late that day or in the am. We are only staying so long because we know we will need to do some shopping the next morning to get addl items. </p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>One more thing checked off the “to do” list!</p>

<p>vlines-so you plan to be in Ttown for 24-30 hours? That’s not a long time :wink:
Lots of us are traveling quite a distance. Pull into Ttown, drop off daughter at dorm, head home…that would be ridiculous. Travel 20 hours (roundtrip) and spend 2 hours at dorm…I don’t think so!
Our plan is to leave home Friday morning, move-in Friday afternoon, p/u whatever she “forgot” Saturday morning, have lunch with her and head home Saturday afternoon. That would be <24 hours in Tuscaloosa.
Several days?? Several, to me, means 3 or more days. Several also sounds like torture.</p>

<p>^^Yep, you’ll be surprised how FAST time flies by and running errands takes longer than you think during move-in times.:)</p>



<p>Some of us have longer drives. There’s no way I could drive 12 hours, help with move-in in the August Alabama heat, then turn around and drive 12 hours home. Maybe if there was someone to share the driving, but even then it would be difficult. We also have limited space in the car so we’re planning on buying a lot of what D needs (plastic storage drawers, bookshelf, TV, rug, etc.) in Tuscaloosa, after we’ve actually seen the room, taken some measurements and know what space and configuration we’re dealing with. While we got a good sense of the RCS suites during Bama Bound, we’ve never been able to get into RCW, where D will be living. I don’t want to underestimate how much time that shopping will take, especially on a weekend when there are a lot of other families doing the same thing as we are.</p>

<p>I hadn’t thought about those issues… not judging. Thanks. </p>

<p>We will probably move him in and then make one Target/Walmart run for the things he needs, and then come home.</p>

<p>I have the answer to Slippy’s question: WE HAVE DAUGHTERS… :wink: From my experience, they’re a wee bit more complex and particular.</p>

<p>Oh YEAH…I hear you! We have three of those! Unpacking, breaking down boxes, finding a place for everything, parking…it all takes much longer than you realize…and don’t forget there are plenty of others with the same time slot doing the same thing. The stores will be crowded and lines will be longer than usual. The great thing is that the stores prepare with tons of inventory. You’ll likely find everything you need between Target and Walmart.:)</p>

<p>Parents, stay as long as you like…better to settle your students in and resolve all questions and issues then to runoff and have to do a return trip to resolve a bank account or anything else. ( I know that most OOS students will not have cars, so having a parent around to make a grocery/Target run is very helpful. Not to mention the dads who will be lofting beds and rearranging furniture.)
Tuscaloosa is very lovely and so is the campus, there is plenty to see and do. T-Town has some great BBQ joints and other restaurants…enjoy yourselves. You probably won’t see your students much after they get involved in their activities but you can get to experience Tuscaloosa and its’ surroundings. </p>

<p>Whatever you choose to do is the right way!
Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>For those who are planning to shop in Tuscaloosa after seeing the room, know that the people checking move in time permits can be strict about letting you in to the queues near the building if it is not your assigned time – so you may have to park in the remote lots where you are directed after your initial unloading time and walk with your purchases. (There are lots of people trying to move in and the process is very efficient, so you cannot blame them for strictly enforcing move in times.) By late afternoon/early evening, however, you should be able to get close enough to the building again to at least unload your purchases near the door. You still may not be able to find a parking place near your building, but that way part of your party can take the newly acquired items directly up to the room while the driver parks the car in the remote lot and returns to the dorm.</p>

<p>For you East Edge folks, the option is now appearing!</p>

<p>For those of you experienced with dorm move-in…what is your suggestion regarding younger sibling(middle-schooler)? I’m thinking about sending her to grandparents’ house because she might be bored and get in the way(hate to say it that way). I’m thinking with four kids moving in the suite with parents helping, it will be very crowded. What are your thoughts?</p>

<p>To be brutally honest it just depends upon your situation. It could be that your middle schooler could be helpful in breaking down boxes and helping with tasks like taking trash down the hall or putting things away. You are correct in assuming it can be crowded and depending upon the dynamics of the people (and family members) it can make you feel like eating your young…sorry to be blunt. If she comes, I’d be sure she had a backpack or something with a snack, water, and something to entertain her and easily accessible in case she gets bored. By the same token, it is an exciting time and she may not want to be left out. I think either way is fine as long as you lay down the law so to speak before the big day, have clear expectations, and plenty of flexibility and patience on the big day. It will be hot, busy, and crowded at times. It is very well organized and the volunteers are amazing, but it can be stressful and sometimes people aren’t as patient as they should be…being willing to follow the guidelines set forth by Housing, being flexible, and having a sense of humor are all very helpful at move-in. I think it is a personal call…you know your family best and it will be fine whatever you decide.:slight_smile: Best of luck!</p>