Move in tips?

I was wondering a few things in concern for move in/sending packages from OOS?

-Should I buy everything I need from Amazon and ship down there or should I just ship a few things and buy everything else when I get down there?

-Is sending packages to the Ferguson center the best plan? Anyone sent anywhere else? I will be moving in August 2nd so any insight on waiting lines for picking up packages will be appreciated.

-When did people start buying and sending packages down to Bama?

@atomicPACMAN07 I have already sent packages to my DS mailbox at the Ferg. Sending to the Ferg is the easiest option for us OOS. When you get the notification that a package has been delivered, just reply to the email and let them know what day and time you are moving in and the dorm name. I am doing the majority this way and then we will go out and get the small stuff when he moves in. He is moving in early as well.

Thank you @mumz14 for that info! If I will be ordering stuff from Amazon, should I let the ferguson center know asap so they can prepare for my shipments?

No need to let them know you’re shipping ahead of time. I’m sure your shipments are a drop in the bucket for what they’ll be receiving - they don’t need to prepare. Unless you have a car and are prepared to run around to a few different places when you arrive in TTown, I would definitely buy online and ship.

@“beth’s mom” thank you for the advice. What I am wondering is if they will get upset if I buy a lot of things online through Amazon and have it shipped to just sit at the Ferguson center for a month? I don’t want to seem like I am abusing this privilege but at the same time I really don’t want to have to travel all over the place for things…

Have whatever you like shipped to the Ferg ahead of time - doesn’t matter when, and doesn’t matter how much. You’ll get periodic emails telling you that stuff is waiting to be picked up . . . but don’t worry about them. The mail center staff know that you’ll be there when you get to campus. Happens every year, and they’re used to it. They’re also some of the nicest people on the planet - so just smile and say “thanks!” when you finally meet them.

Thank you @dodgersmom for the advice. I just went ahead and got everything from Amazon that I need and shipped it down to Alabama. It gives me peace of mind having the stuff there AND having it all on a discount when I was looking.

@atomicPACMAN07 - Don’t know what you had shipped and what you plan to take with you, but you should have enough with you to get by until you can get to the mail center. It’s open every day during move-in, but if you get there after they close for the day, you’ll have to wait.

Perfect! Thanks @dodgersmom

And I checked in with them before our move in time because DS’s stuff filled a pallet. They texted him and met him at the door to his dorm.

A guy manning a table just outside the Ferg USPS is who we saw. I’m sure they’ll do it again.