move in

<p>nicollec - We air dry lots of things too. My D’s friends think she’s crazy - I guess I will take credit for that bit of craziness since she seems to have been trained that way!</p>

<p>We found a metal drying rack at Bed Bath and Beyond that collapses and the width also expands. It works pretty well but isn’t nearly big enough if she does big amounts of laundry all at once. She did use hangers around the room and would sometimes use her oscillating fan to speed the drying.</p>

<p>Nicollec: It is an expandable/collapsible/ drying rack very tall/not too wide. It is really the only way to keep his jeans from changing length (lol). Plenty of t-shirts get drip dried as well.</p>

<p>As for the Tux, well my son has been a member of the University Chorus for the past two semesters and the men wear tuxes for their Choral performances. They look super nice. I have not been able to attend the performances but have been able to acquire a CD. Very cool!</p>

<p>By the way the rack may have been from IKEA…</p>

<p>ok, this is my tentative plan
S is going to fly down to AA early Sunday am, I will book a move in time for the following Saturday because I will either fly in Sat am stay overnite and fly back Sunday, or drive down late that week. I know it would have been easier the prior weekend, but what can you do. I’m figuring by that Saturday after AA he may be free to share a meal and do some exploring.
If I fly into Birmingham on move-in Saturday, will there be stores there that aren’t sold out where I can pick up some things on Saturday- target, walmart- he will need storage for under bed.
Is it just freshman moving in that weekend? so it will be busy, but not insane, or is it the whole campus?</p>

<p>When your S goes to AA early move-ins will be occurring…the following weekend the rest of the campus population will be moving in. I think that it will be pretty crazy…We moved in D that early move in weekend for recruitment last year. I then came back the next weekend for Bid Day on Sunday. Know that a lot of parents will be in town that weekend to attend Bid Day for their daughters. In addition sorority alumns will be in town to support their houses on Bid Day. Tuscaloosa was definitely full and busy and yes a little insane. I made a Target run and I was able to get some things on the list but there were items that were out. I am pretty sure that you could Google Target in Birmingham and stop by one on your way to T-Town.</p>

<p>Re: making stops on the way to t-town, we were thinking the same thing. In Chicago we have Bed Bath and Beyond which has many things. There are 2 or 3 of them in the Birmingham Area, and you can order things locally but tell them you want to pick them up at another Store (in Birmingham). Friends of ours did this with their Son when he went away OOS and avoided lots of shipping charges. The usually have a MUCH bigger selection of Bedroom, Bath, and “homey” stuff than Target, etc. Anyway, and idea to share …</p>

<p>Coming from the airport and going to Tuscaloosa on I-20/59, the Target, Ross, and JC Penney that will be easiest to find are off Exit 106 (the on-ramp for I-459) and then Exit 1 of I-459. Wal-Mart, Aldi, and Dollar Tree are at Exit 108. There are multiple Targets, Wal-Marts, and every store you could want in and around Hoover (Exit 13 on I-459), but that area is difficult to navigate and has more traffic.</p>

<p>Did I hear rightly that the 2011 Move-in Day for incoming freshman is on Sat., Aug. 20?</p>

<p>Also…I understand that there is a Parent Send-Off Breakfast that same day.</p>

<p>Does anyone know what time that will be held?</p>

<p>If we want to help S with moving in, would it be wise for him to pick a later move-in time? How late do they go?</p>

<p>Thanks for your help!</p>

<p>Last year the Parent Brunch was held from 8 to 10 am in the ballroom at the Ferg. I personally would choose the first move in time available. We moved in early due to recruitment and DD’s move in was extremely efficient but I noticed that as the day wore on it was a little more chaotic. That being said of you want to attend the Parent Brunch then you will need to pick a time sometime after that. What will you do with your S during the brunch time? I didn’t attend the brunch because it was a week later than our move in date and maybe someone who did can address whether there were kids there?</p>

<p>The brunch is very casual, people coming and going all the time. Just find an empty table and get some food, sit down and enjoy. You can plan to meet other parents if you like or just go it alone. They did have a very interesting historical presentation about the university that took place (I think it was scheduled right after the brunch). Anyone could attend.</p>

<p>Thanks, y’all! Very helpful info!</p>

<p>I wonder what shape we’d be in, if it weren’t for CC! This place is the MOTHER LODE!!</p>

<p>Hi all, I posted in the other thread how we did the drive down and with what items. So, I will post this info here, as it might be more pertinent to move-in. We did have a time slot for move in but we arrived late at night and quietly moved in then (SHHH, don’t tell on us) No one at the desk batted an eye. We did have our own (very large) hand truck. We just loaded up and in we went. We were very quiet and since it was Outdoor Action week there were not many people around. My son was the first to move into his suite.</p>

<p>Hi! This thread has been very helpful and answered many questions. However, I can’t totally rap my brain around the actual events of move in day. I know my son will be getting a move in time. We’ll arrive at said time. Then what happens?</p>

<p>Crimson217 - Close to your appointed time, you will get in the line of cars near your son’s dorm. At this point last year, we sent our D inside to get her key and check in with the dorm. When you get to the front of the line of cars there will be volunteers to help you unload. They will put all of your son’s stuff on giant cage-like carts (we asked last year and they said they borrowed them from many places including the Target warehouse) and they will deliver it to his room. You will unload, start setting up, and prepare for the big good-bye!</p>

<p>After you do unload, you will be instructed where you can park your car.</p>

<p>One other note: Make sure you thank those volunteers for doing all that lifting and unloading. Some will be working five-hour shifts (maybe more) in 90-plus degree temperatures.</p>

<p>I will chime in…you are not limited to just 1 cart (we used 3 :slight_smile: ). Also you may have 2 vehicles in your move -in group. The first vehicle gets the card that says your move in time (goes on the dash) and the second just follows in line. When you get to the man or woman who checks this you just tell them you have 2 cars in your party, they won’t care. It is all very efficient and works really well. This was our 4thchld to move in at 4 different universities and it was by far the smoothest :). Be prepared it will be hot and humid, or rainy, or hot and humid and rainy. If I remember correctly there was water available in the lobby of Tut as well as snacks. It was all kind of set up in a hospitality room for parents. I was never in there but DH and DS (whom we flew in from Chicago to “build” things) did go down and get a few things. There will be parking lots assigned for you to go park the car after you unload and the Crimson Ride buses will then return you to your dorm. This seemed be my DH’s least favorite part of move-in. Make sure you seek you your RA and introduce yourself, it is helpful if there is ever a problem and they need to be contacted. Have fun. We had planned to leave the next morning after meeting up with DD for breakfast. After moving, setting up, trips to the Publix, Ferg and Target and dinner at Chuck’s she said that evening she was ready to say goodbye (sniff sniff…not her…me!) and so we did. We left then early the next morning and headed to Shiloh battlefield and then onto St. Louis to drop DS at the airport so he could catch a plane back to Chicago. Wishing y’all who are starting this process a smooth transition like we had :).</p>

<p>The UA website says you can begin to sign-up for Move In on 6/15/11, but doesn’t list a time. What time can you typically sign up on that day?</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>I believe it starts at 8 am. If you are really set on a particular time I would make sure and get on at 8…times go fast!</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies, I have a much better understanding now. On to the next question. :slight_smile: After we unload, go to “Target” and buy another car load, how do we unload the next round?</p>

<p>"I will chime in…you are not limited to just 1 cart (we used 3 ). "</p>

<p>Glad to see your daughter isn’t high maintenance, ahpi. :-)</p>

<p>Our move-in was equally as smooth. Pulled up to the blockade at our correct time, they confirmed our name and time on their list and we were told to pull up to the front of the building. lil bro went inside to check-in and the volunteers had our car unloaded and onto a cart in a matter of 2 minutes. Told them our room number and they took it right up for us. I then parked the car and hoofed it back to the dorm in 100 degree weather (hardest part by far). </p>

<p>We then re-arranged the furniture the way lil bro wanted it and unpacked his stuff. Made a trip to Walmart and Target for a few things (water, snacks, toilet paper etc etc) and all was done. We didn’t leave until the next day and by then lil bro was ready for us to be gone. If you’re like my mom then bring a box of tissues because I think she cried the entire drive back to the airport :-)</p>

<p>your move in from target shouldn’t be as big of a deal as your move in from home. we just parked in the usual lots to unload from target. if you need to buy big stuff from target and you have room in your car, maybe you could go buy your big stuff from target before your move in time then you will get help carting it to your room.</p>