Move in

<p>Is there any "down" times to move in to the dorms? Or is every day, all the time between 8a & 5p chaotic? Also if you have any helpful tips on moving students in to the dorm I would love to hear them. Thank you in advance!</p>

<p>This is not specific to VT, but this move-in thread in the Parents Forum has some good advise:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hopefully some veteran VT parents will give you some specific info as well. Good luck!!</p>

<p>I understand from my son’s upperclassmen friends (he is a freshman) that the best day to move in is the first or the last-the ones inbetween are crazy. We are going on Wednesday, but not till later morning-then staying over to get some things done on Thurs.</p>

<p>Lynn, you should be fine. You heard right, Friday and Saturday are usually the roughest days- parents taking off Friday work or just coming over the weekend and not taking off a day of work. If you are a parent coming in those days, common sense says to arrive early, but I have heard that some parents find success waiting until mid afternoon, too. </p>

<p>No matter what the time, it is an exhausting endeavor. Well, maybe not for the young first timers, but I sure am feeling it as the years progress :slight_smile: Let’s hope for great weather: no rain and cool mountain weather!!!</p>

<p>@blueiguana - great link, thanks for posting!
@LynnVB & KandKsmom - we are planning to move him in on Wednesday morning, probably around 10a or so. I am a first timer but not the youngest so I’m sure it will be an exhausting endeavor & a long ride back home :slight_smile: I wholeheartedly agree with hoping for great weather!</p>

<p>Thanks for more helpful information. Hopefully the weather will cooperate-we want to get him in a few days early so he can become acclimated to the campus before classes and have time to get studio set up, books, etc…Good luck to all moving in!</p>

<p>Wow…I had heard that the first day was the absolutely craziest. My neice was there last year, and she was there at 8am the first day, and she said it was “the worst day ever”. :slight_smile: My son wants to be there as soon as he can…and he is so excited, he doesn’t care about the craziness of it. His dad is taking him, so that is fine with me!! I will be going up the next night so that I don’t have to take any time off (I am off on Fridays), and I’ll have a couple of days to get him all settled with whatever else he needs. I know it will be nuts, no matter what. A very exciting time, to be sure. Got to remember to take my camera!!</p>

<p>^…tissues and Tylenol, too!</p>