<p>Just back from move in day (Monday) and thought I'd post a quick message with some suggestions/observations (very busy right now, so will post more if I think of other details). </p>
<p>Bottom line is everything went very smoothly, and as with everything else, the UI team was very organized. Monday move in was relatively light -- they are expecting the peak to be Thursday - Saturday. We arrived right at 8AM. D retrieved the key while I waited with the car and enjoyed spectacular weather and ironically peace/quiet, since I was prepared for chaos. </p>
<p>Most poeple used a cart but we were able to park so close to the room that we just carried everything in. Total process took about 30 minutes, including getting a key. </p>
<p>The things we most needed that we were short on -- batteries, power strip/extension cord combos (get the three prong kind), and light bulbs for the new lamps. Getting the room set up was much slower than I expected, partly because her roommate moved in at the same time. That was great that they could set up together, but everything just went slower due to lots of conversations, etc. </p>
<p>For those moving in later, I'd suggest being prepared to unload the car and re-park it pretty quickly when it gets crowded. Bring lots of quarters to feed parking meters. </p>
<p>Great place in town to get last minute stuff is CVS in the Old Capitol Mall. Aand of course we spent a lot of time at Target/Best Buy/Sears/BBB at Coral Ridge Mall. </p>
<p>So far, wireless seems pretty fast, but may slow down when loaded. The process for students to get connected the first time can be very time consuming if their PC is not very up-to-date with latest patches, AV software, etc. </p>
<p>Those clip on trays and loft side bags are great per suggestions from another post! Got them at BBB. </p>
<p>We brought moving pucks which were very useful for moving a bed. </p>
<p>Will post other info if I think of anything else. Good luck all!</p>