Move Out - How Much Time to Allow?

<p>For parents who have gone through the move out process and stored items locally, can you please give me an idea of how long allow for this process? Can 4 moms working together get everything moved and into storage and the room wiped down, etc. in the matter of one long afternoon? Our boys probably can help some but may still have to study.</p>

<p>I’m very curious too…because move-in seemed to take over a day for our suite moms… I think we were all excited and yacking more than unpacking…and perhaps since we haven’t seen each other all year, we will do the same packing up. It is difficult to judge how this will play out, with some kids in the suite still taking finals, and others completely done. I just got word that S’s DiffEQ final may be optional (based on if they are happy with their current grade in the class), so we might be moving out 2-3 days earlier than planned - yahoo! (I think!)</p>

<p>I wouldn’t book a flight out that day and would book a hotel room for the day of move in. If your child has a car and can drive over and get the storage unit early, that’s a place. It took me a good half hour to do storage paperwork this morning because there was a line, and it will be madness during exam week. Having the storage unit rented with a lock on and ready to go saves us a lot of time at move out.
Congrats in the early exam. You should be able to get a hotel room with no problem if you don’t conflict with graduation.

<p>I would say that would definitely be doable. My DD has way too much stuff (takes both cars to transport) and we can easily do it in that timeframe. Move out is easier in a way b/c there are things that can be pitched and/or donated. Just bring plenty of cleaning supplies and garbage bags :)</p>

<p>Thanks. We already filled out our storage paperwork when we were in town in February, I have a Caravan with folding seats and I do have a hotel room for Friday night reserved just in case. It seems move out should be so much easier - just wanted to make sure I am not missing something.</p>

<p>One more question - will T-town generally be crazy Saturday with graduation people? Meaning if we can get out of Dodge Friday night, we should do that?</p>

<p>move out is easier than move in. we end up tossing a lot in garbage bags and into the car. then we wash and sort thru it all at home and repack in an orderly fashion ready to go for the next year. plus, garbage bags are easier to pack in the car. </p>


<p>hopefully we will store a few things this time making pack up easier.</p>

<p>we will arrive wed. night and leave friday sometime.</p>

<p>One of the things I didn’t factor in last year was while my son was moving out, the other roommates were still having exams and different schedules. I came into the suite thinking I was going to do this and that to the common area and kitchen because my son was moving out, when 2 of the other roommates still wanted to use those areas. I wanted to vacuum and they were studying. Its a balancing act. It all worked out but truthfully I never took their schedules into consideration until I arrived at the dorm and they were in the middle of studying, laundry etc.</p>

<p>My son was finishing up exams while I was packing the van getting ready to move the cr** to storage. It doesn’t take too long you just have to be flexible (and sometimes quiet):)</p>

<p>I can do quiet as long as NRDMOM doesn’t set me off. Or one of you posts about being lubed. Then all bets are off. :)</p>

<p>How clean do we need to leave the suite? Wiped down as clean as when we moved in or mom-clean?</p>

<p>not that clean.</p>

<p>Second the ‘not mom clean’. I sure wish I could see you two in action. You girls are a real hoot.</p>

<p>I’m getting nervous now. We are making the 21 hour drive old starting Thursday eve. I am hoping that they start cleaning now. He had better be ready because I want to hit some BBQ joints!</p>

<p>We are very hooty. VERY. You have no idea. </p>

<p>Our ‘Mom Clean’ is a pinnacle of perfection very few can attain. It’s best not to try. A reverently murmured “Oh my!” or “Goodness! I could <em>drink</em> from that toilet!” will suffice.</p>

<p>I accept Class2012’s challenge. </p>

<p>(How could I not?)</p>

<p>Hokiefan, if you will be there for move out, please come and say Hello. NRDMOM will offer you a cool, refreshing glass of water.</p>

<p>And thank goodness it’s not mom-clean. I don’t think I have it in me to do that again, at least not until August.</p>

<p>I will be in town for move out and will gladly say hello, but will pass on the water. ;)</p>

<p>I haven’t booked a hotel and am now concerned about availability with graduation going on. D might want to stay in town for the weekend because she’s been covering some of the softball games for the Crimson White. I think there must be a series that weekend. She has a project due at midnight on Friday night so she really won’t be getting out of the dorm until Saturday morning. I better start check for hotel rooms.</p>

<p>CC picnic lunch on the lawn outside Ridgecrest on move-out Friday, moms and dads?</p>

<p>i haven’t looked at hotel rooms for a couple of weeks. you might not be able to find one room for all of the days, but you might be able to piece it together with a couple different hotels. we are going to get out of town before all the graduation craziness happens.</p>

<p>I don’t know what my son’s exam schedule is but if it follows the format of the other semesters he will have an exam on Friday afternoon. He has the worst luck with scheduling. I guess that comes with engineering. Since he is at EE, they don’t need to be out until the end of May. So I’m not sure when I will be there. But if I am there, you bet I’ll come find you two. </p>

<p>From my experience last year, don’t count on your students (especially boys) to have done too much prep work. My son did do some packing before we arrived but that was it. He said he was so busy finishing up projects, studying etc. So while he was taking those Friday exams, my husband and I finished packing, loading his cr** into the minivan and took it to storage. That wasn’t too bad as i had booked the storage unit already. We came back to the dorm and that is when I wanted to do a final cleaning. That is when I started to realize that I couldn’t do what I wanted because the other guys were stlll around and deserved to have the quiet to study, sleep, etc.</p>

<p>As I mentioned it all works out and really isn’t too bad. Just be patient with your kids. They are running on fumes at this point and emotions are all over the place. It will be hot but not as crazy as move in because the kids will be leaving on their own schedules.</p>

<p>As an aside, when I had to move my daughter out of college at the end of the year, I would just drive up to her place and she would be sitting there all packed, cleaned and ready to go. Easy, peasy. Different kids, different personalities!</p>

<p>If it isn’t an April fool joke, I will try to meet you for the Friday picnic. DS has 2 finals that day; science and math. Saturday he flys to South America. It should be a busy few days.</p>

<p>Sent from my GT-P5113 using CC</p>

<p>Well, my son has you all beat. He has a final every day M-F - with 2 on Friday. I think he is hoping that he can opt out of one or two.</p>

<p>Is it important to secure storage prior to move-out or is it something I can take care of when I get down there?</p>