Move out logistics

<p>DH is starting to make plans for moving DD out of her dorm. She is in Ridgecrest South. Can we count on the availability of carts during exam week? Also, one of her suitemates is quite messy. She has the same final on Friday morning as DD, so I don’t think she’ll be able to leave all the clean up to the other 3. Since DH would like to be on the road by early afternoon, how much energy should he put into making sure the living area is tidy? That is, assuming she still has her belongings strewn about!</p>

<p>Definitely start cleaning before finals week. Most items won’t be needed that week, so she can things in boxes ready to go. I’ve usually been the least to leave, so I’ve been the one that cleaned up what the others left behind. A lot of parents will come and clean up the room for their student, so the messier roommates might leave a cleaner space than one might expect. Once the RA checks a student out, the student needs to trust the roommates to clean up the common areas; the best way of doing this is to have the areas as clean as possible beforehand.</p>

<p>Thanks, SEA_tide! I think my DH will be able to handle whatever comes up. It sounds like, once you’re checked out by the RA, there’s no more responsibility for what’s left. I wouldn’t be surprised if he helps the messy girl with her stuff, too. She has a car, so I doubt her parents will be there for the final clean up.</p>

<p>I’m still wondering if there will be carts made available to move things out to the car. I can’t imagine moving all those boxes by hand!</p>

<p>In my dorm at least, many of the carts are still in the building. Move out is a lot less busy than move in since students are moving out at various times throughout the week.</p>

<p>i think there were some carts last year.</p>