Move up to Spanish SL from abinitio?

Right now I am in Spanish abinitio but I’m the only one in my class and it is merged with SL. I was in Spanish II H last year, but in high school classes you don’t really learn much Spanish. The Spanish SL students of this year took Spanish III online last year so they also didn’t learn much. I’d say I’m at a close enough level with my friends on Spanish. My Spanish teacher this year is new to teaching IB so she doesn’t really know anything on how to teach us. Should I just move up to SL or should I stay in abinitio by myself? Since I’m alone in the class I was given a choice. I’m not too good at Spanish. What exactly is the difference between abinitio and SL? I’ll be learning with the SL students too though. Would it still be easier for me to remain in abinitio?

Are you in the Diploma program? All IB students take at least one language other than their native language and must pass an SL or HL exam in that language. Students who want to begin yet another language take ab initio and this language can meet the requirement for a sixth subject (an elective). Ab initio is for complete beginners, while SL usually requires about 3 years of prior study in the language.

If you are in an IB program and Spanish is your only language other than English, take SL.

Ohh I didn’t know that was a requirement. My teachers didn’t know that. Thank you