moving classes from alternate to primary bookbag

<p>I have a bunch of classes I want to take first semester listed under my alternate bookbag, but it won't let me move anything to my primary bookbag. I have classes/sections for french (I'm supposed to take writing in the spring), math 103, chem 21L + lab, and engineering 53L + lab. Am I missing something? Or am I not supposed to be able to move anything to primary yet?</p>

<p>Nevermind...firefox was just being dumb. It worked fine on Internet Explorer. I feel pretty stupid now...sorry.</p>

<p>i was wondering the same thing and i was on firefox! thanks</p>

<p>okay, i used internet explorer and i still dont see how you move things to the primary. how did you do it?</p>

<p>To be able to move things to your primary bookbag, you need to place BOTH a Writing 20 and a seminar into your alt bookbag. Only then can you proceed to the primary bookbag. Click on the red arrows in your alt bookbag to move them to your primary bookbag.</p>

<p>For pratt students, you only need to place a writing 20.</p>

<p>Right, and there's a link called "Move on to Primary Bookbag" at the very bottom of the alternate bookbag page. Click on that.</p>