Moving from one apartment to another one

<p>Parent here of out of state student at UW. He has been living in an apartment this year and will be moving from one place to another one in August. The problem is, he has to vacate the present place by August 14th and cannot move into his new place till August 15th. So for one night he has no where to go with all of his stuff. What do other people do in this situation ? We are planning on coming to help him ( we are in California ) and plan on moving his stuff into our hotel for the night, but just wondering if any one has been through this and has any other suggestions. To make matters worse he lives on the fourth floor with no elevator and will be moving into another fourth floor apartment with also no elevator and a front foot so narrow he has been told the previous tenants had to use the fire escape to move in their furniture! </p>

<p>Excuse me, meant to say a front door ( not a front foot)</p>


<p>It’s the annual Madison campus area homeless day. Some people rent a U Haul type truck and park it somewhere. Some years organizations have sponsored all night parties/places to be. Try to line up the truck soon if he has enough stuff. There is a lot of junked furniture left at the curb that week. Creating college memories. Perhaps he and some others could pool their stuff in a truck.</p>

<p>I remember driving a non-U Haul truck to son’s apartment one year rom out of town. I was lucky I didn’t take off a gutter- the driveway was so narrow between buildings, and turn around- ouch. I didn’t have to help with the couch on the stairs like his dad did. Move out was to a far off campus apartment when he had his first job and no parental involvement (hurray!). </p>

<p>This has become something of a local holiday and people have fun with it as much as possible.</p>

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