Moving out of a state

Does anyone know if students lose in state tuition rate if parents move out of Virginia ? Husband is being relocated for his job soon. Daughter will be a freshman in the fall. I can’t seem to find any clear answers and afraid to ask the school directly since I don’t want to raise red flags prematurely.

Also like to note . Her father lives in Virginia. My husband is her step father but we all need to move together.

According to the actual Virginia policy:

“If the person through whom the dependent student or unemancipated minor established such domicile and eligibility for in-state tuition abandons his Virginia domicile, the dependent student or unemancipated minor shall be entitled to such in-state tuition for one year from the date of such abandonment.”

So the assumption I see from this is once a parent establish domicile in another state (say they file 2020 taxes in new state) - then student would have 1 year from then with in-state tuition. I would think you could claim through 2021.

However, the father is in state - legally it looks like he has to claim the student on his taxes as dependent in order to be considered in-state. But you have that option. Most things you read tend to claim that they never look at again once you are accepted into the college with in-state tuition. I’m just giving you the actual legal verbage per Virginia law. I would personally think if you setup you billing address as a Virginia residence (not having the bills sent to the parents new address but the fathers or student apartment) no one would ever question the students residency.

Thanks for the info . Good ideas about the address. I will likely use her dads address as well!

Maybe if you send all the bills to the fathers address he will just pay them all :slight_smile: