MPP Admission chance

<p>Hello </p>

<p>I plan to apply for international development and policy programmes for fall 2010. I plan to apply for KSG, Yale, SIPA, Berkeley and UMich. </p>

<p>The following are the statistics. </p>

<p>I completed a five year integrated Masters in Communications at a top 10 technical university in India. My GPA was 8.23/10 . </p>

<p>I was an intern at UNICEF (I was the youngest at that batch with the age of 21) and was a summer research fellow at the Indian Institute of Technology (Indian equalent of MIT). </p>

<p>After university I joined a premier agriculture,environment and rural development research institute as a project associate. My work extensively focusses on rural development and extension. I worked on implementing a ICT for Development project along with major American and Indian telecom corporates in sustainable mode and starting this year I shall also be working on Climate change and how rural and coastal community(rural fisherfolk) needto adapt and the extension strategies needed to prepare such vulnerable communities. </p>

<p>I work under a top policy maker and a visionary of food ane environment policy in India, also popularly referred to as the father of "Green revolution". All in all By the time I apply I shall be having close to two years of work experience. </p>

<p>I have already taken my GRE and have the following scores. </p>

<p>Quants 780 and Verbal 750. </p>

<p>However I lack courses in economics and quants. To rectify this I have enrolled my self in distance education(Weekend classes) for Masters level courses in Micro economics, Economic statistics and International economics. However it is not possible for me to take courses in Macro economics as it is accessible only after completing the masters first level courses. However I am confident of scoring good in the papers mentioned . </p>

<p>I can get solid LOR's from my boss who was the father of green(AGRARIAN) revolution and from my former prof's who have now gone on to lead some big commonwealth organisation as regional heads. </p>

<p>Kindly help to me understand as to what chances I stand for being admitted into KSG, Yale, SIPA, GSPP and UMich. Also provide advice onto what areas I need improvement.</p>

<p>I hope, many a good fellas here can provide some advice…</p>