<p>I am applying to mpa/mpp programs currently, and I wanted to throw my stats and info out there to see if I can get some feedback on my chances for admission. I've talked to a few program reps, but I'm not sure how frank they were with me.</p>
<p>gpa: 3.97 Psychology/Rhetoric from a respectable private U.
gre: 710Q, 680V, 5.5AW</p>
<p>By the time I hope to start my program in fall 2009, I'll have been graduted for three years. I've spent 6 months of that doing volunteer work (a three-month long Americorps program, 3 months volunteering on organic farms in Ireland). And the rest of the time I've been working in academic research at the local University Medical Center. </p>
<p>Basically, does anyone have any thoughts on how that experience will be viewed by a committee? Are my stats good enough? I feel like my stats are decent, but it's only been the last year that I realized I want to pursue a policy degree (wanted a psych phd before that) so my experience isn't exactly in that area. On the other hand, working in research has given me a lot of exposure to analysis, public health issues, and other skills that should be useful/relevant in an mpp.</p>
<p>I'm applying to a range of schools (UChicago, UWash, GWU, Georgetown, Michigan, etc). I know a lot of it will come down to my statement, but what do you all think about my chances based on the above?</p>
<p>I think you’ll be in good shape, especially for GWU as a safety-ish school. I’m in a really similar boat (3.7 ugpa, 4.0 major gpa, 780Q/580V/5.0 with internships and nonprofit work too). </p>
<p>Did you turn in all those apps yet? I’m applying at harris, GW, Georgetown and Michigan too, along with columbia, nyu, ucla, duke, maxwell, and harvard. Big list, just couldn’t help but not keep applying, haha.</p>
<p>Good luck, let me know how it goes. maybe we can keep in touch about when you start to hear back from schools…</p>
<p>Sorry, i forgot to mention … I think the 3 years research in a medical center will look good, but not amazing (like a think-tank job or something). I’d guess you’ll get into 2 of the 3, that is, 2 out of UChicago, Michigan, and Georgetown, which are the strongest of the schools. good luck with the rest of the apps!</p>
<p>hey there, sorry I haven’t checked back lately. I try to limit my time on these boards b/c I end up stressing myself needlessly…so, I just step away from the message boards. Step away.</p>
<p>Anywho, my whole list of schools was UWash, Mich, Georgetown, GWU, American U, LBJ, CMU, minnesota, chicago, sipa and ksg. At least a few of these were just for ****s and giggles…but hey, might as well take a shot.</p>
<p>so far in at gwu and american. Have you heard anything yet?</p>
<p>In at GW too. I heard someone say they initially admit somewhere like 50%, but that’s only a rumor. Congrats on the two DC schools. I’m a west coast kid, so DC is high on my list for location… </p>
<p>You’re scores are legit, I imagine you’ll do well everywhere you apply. But that said, its a total crap-shoot. haha. Good Luck!</p>
<p>ahh definitely thinking about it! But I’m still waiting to hear on 7 other programs. I don’t think I’ll really be able to make a decision until I hear about funding from schools. Would love to be in the DC region though. I’m in at gwu, gppi, and american…so it’d be nice for one of them to throw some cash my way, but I won’t hold my breath.</p>
<p>i’ve applied to ut, gw, american, bu and nyu…my top two choices are ut/gw since those are both ranked number ten…i sold my self short by not applying to higher ranked schools…i was scared because i didn’t have work experience…oh well i’ll be happy if i end up at ut or gw…congrats on georgetown…i would go there if i had applied and been accepted :)</p>
<p>Congrats on the DC schools. I’ve also been accepted to GPPI, along with Indiana and Minnesota. Still waiting to hear from WWS, Duke, Michigan, and CMU.</p>
<p>Our stats are similar
GPA: 4.0 Political Science & History
GRE: 760Q, 640V, 5.5AW</p>
<p>Yeah, I hear you. Now my concerns have shifted to funding and how to make the best informed decision that I can. Would you consider gppi without significant aid? the consensus I seem to be getting from other boards is that the name alone isn’t worth massive loans, but I feel like it’s difficult to know anything for certain coming from an outsider’s perspective.</p>
<p>GPPI is right at the top of my list. While funding is important, I’m not going to sacrifice quality for a cheaper education. I’m just going to be patient and see how the rest of my admission decisions turn out over the next month.</p>
<p>I just started hearing back from schools and am wondering if there are any other reputable sources besides U.S. News and World Report for rankings/ratings?</p>
<p>Just heard back and was accepted to CMU Heinz (MPP) and Syracuse Maxwell (MPA) today. Have yet to hear back from any other schools…</p>
<p>Any information on CMU and Syracuse would be greatly appreciated!</p>