MS MIS vs CIS vs Engineering Manangement

Hello All,
Im a senior pursuing BS in Computer engineering and like many other I’m trying to decide what will be the best available graduate program for me.

A little about myself.


3.0 GPA
Super involved on campus, Student Goverment Chair person, Greek Life, Student Ambassador and also a student coordinator for orientation.
Research Assistant
International Student
Study in Florida


I have done a fair bit of research but I’m trying figure out the main difference between the three programs i have listed. I was also unsure about what schools i could apply to with my background. Kindly help me out, any input would be highly appreciated.

Thanks a lot.

Post-school job and career goals?

I aspire to work as a Database Admin or work as a IT consultant. I am interested in either concentrating in information assurace and cybersecurity or data analytics

In that case, don’t do engineering management. It is more for people who want to go into product/program/people management. It sounds like you want to stay on the technical side of things so I’d say go with either the MIS or CIS.