MSU journalism?

<p>I plan on studying some form of communications next year. I got accepted into both Mizzou and IU-Bloomington, which I know are both top journalism schools. I already, however, have decided on attending Michigan State University next year because they offered me the most money. I have put down my attended major as journalism, but that could still change.</p>

<p>Overall, is journalism at MSU considered to be strong and somewhat reputable? One of my friend's mom who works for a top newspaper said that anyone with an IU-Bloomington journalism degree would have no problem getting a job where she works. I know journalism has become a much harder field to break into (which is why I'm still debating it), but does it make that much of a difference for where your degree comes from if you're trying to break into the media world?</p>

<p>MSU has a very fine j-school. However, academics as a whole are not so great. With that said, Mizzou and IU are also not overall great schools but have outstanding J-schools.</p>