MT Class Sizes

Is there a thread somewhere that shows approximate MT class sizes/school names? I thought there was one, but I can’t seem to find it. Thanks.

Not sure if this is the most recent list, but it is the latest one that I could find from this thread:

These numbers can vary from year-to-year for various programs, so I would regard them as “indicative” as opposed to “definitive.”

This list is from 2014:
Baldwin Wallace MT (BM): 18 (10 men and 8 women)
Ball State MT (BFA): 22 (11 men and 11 women)
Boston Conservatory MT (BFA): 56 (16 men and 40 women)
Cincinnati Conservatory MT (BFA): 20 (13 men and 7 women)
Coastal Carolina University MT (BFA): 10 (4 men and 6 women)
Elon University MT (BFA): 20 (9 men and 11 women)
Florida State University (BFA/BM): 9 (6 men and 3 women)
Ithaca MT (BFA): 25 (15 men and 10 women)
James Madison MT (BA): 11 freshmen + 1 transfer = 12 (6 men and 6 women)
U of Michigan MT (BFA): 21 (10 men and 11 women)
Montclair MT (BFA): 21 (10 Men/11 Women)
Ohio Northern (BFA) 20 (6 Men/14 Women)
Otterbein MT (BFA): 8 (4 men and 4 women)
Pace MT (BFA): 31 (14 men and 17 women)
Penn State MT (BFA): 16 (10 men and 6 women)
Rider MT (BFA): 49 (11 Men and 38 women)
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland MT (3-yr BA): 18 (9 men/9 women. Americans: 2 men/3 women)
Shenandoah MT (BFA): 18 (7 men and 11 women)
Texas State MT (BFA): 14 (8 men and 6 women)
Viterbo MT (BFA): 9 (1 man and 8 women)
Western Michigan (BFA): 15 (typically something like 8 men/7 women)
Wright State MT (BFA): 13 (7 men/6 women)

This list is from 2012-13:
Baldwin Wallace MT: 16 (7 men and 9 women)
Ball State MT (BFA): 20 (8 men and 12 women)
Boston Conservatory MT: 65 total (15 more accepted than anticipated)
Carnegie Mellon MT (BFA): 12 (7 men and 5 women)
CCM MT (BFA): 18 (9 men and 9 women)
Coastal Carolina MT (BFA): 12 (4 men and 8 women - twice the women accepted offer than anticipated)
Coastal Carolina Acting (BFA): 10 (4 men and 6 women)
Elon MT (BFA): 18 (9 men and 9 women)
Emerson MT: 14 (13 women and 1 man)
University of Florida MT: 4 (2 men and 1 woman, 1 sophomore transfer)
Florida State MT: (BFA) 7; (BM) 3 (3 men and 4 women total)
Illinois Wesleyan MT: 7 (4 women, 3 men)
Hartt MT: (BFA) 23 (15 women, 8 men) Acting (BFA) 12 (8 men, 4 women)
Ithaca College (BFA): 26 MT (15 women, 11 men), 34 Acting
James Madison MT (BA): 11 (6 men and 5 women)
Michigan MT (BFA): 21 (11 men and 10 women)
Montclair: 20 (10 men and 10 women)
New York University: Tisch NSB - 61,
NYU Steinhardt: 24
Northwestern U (BA/MT Cert): 15 frosh (6 M and 9 F) {
see post #21}
Ohio Northern (BFA): 5 (4 women and 1 man)
Oklahoma City MT: 27 (14 men and 13 women)
Otterbein MT (BFA): 9 (4 men and 5 women)
Otterbein Acting (BFA): 6 (2 men and 2 women)
Pace (BFA-MT): 35 (17 men and 18 women)
Penn State MT (BFA): 11 (4 men, 7 women) (usually alternate odd years 12, even years 14)
Point Park (BA/BFA MT) 35 (22 men, 13 women)
Rider (BM MT): 10 men 20 women
Roosevelt/CCPA: MT Voice Emphasis -27, Dance Emphasis -17
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland MT (BA): 18 (3 American Students)
Shenandoah MT (BFA): 18 (7 men and 11 women)
SUNY Fredonia MT (BFA): 14 (4 men and 10 women)
SUNY Fredonia Acting (BFA): 4 (1 man and 3 women)
Syracuse MT (BFA) 20 (8 men and 12 women)
Texas State Acting (BFA): 12 (6 men and 6 women)
Texas State MT (BFA): 14 (5 men and 9 women)
U of California, Los Angeles MT: 7 (3 men and 4 women)
U of Northern Colorado MT: 16 (5 F and 11 M + 2 sophomore F transfers)
U Michigan MT (BFA): 21 (11 men and 10 women)
U of Utah (BFA): 22 (8 men and 14 women)
Wagner College (BA MT): 30 (15 men and 15 women)
Webster University (BFA MT): 19 Total
Webster University (BFA Acting) : 16 Total
Wright State (BFA MT): 14 (7 men and 7 women)
Wright State (BFA Acting): 14 (7 men and 7 women)

Montclair had 28 in 2019-20… by far their biggest class. I don’t think that it was intentional… just more people accepted than had previously. My guess is that with so many MT prospects, the absolute top programs are still accepting the same rate, but the near-top programs are getting the really good prospects who didn’t make the top tier. Pure speculation, but going forward, I would expect to see the number of offers decline as the percentage of acceptances increase for these schools.

Texas State is pretty consistently at 14. One year I think it was 16 and another year 13, but I think 14 is the number they shoot for.

@EmsDad, @TexasMTDad, @MTDadandProud - Thank you! I appreciate your help.

Dads to the Rescue!

As we learn the sizes of each class for this year, perhaps we can create an updated list for future MT families…

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Point Park tries to keep the BFA MT class in the mid twenties.

If you know the numbers or find them, please copy/paste and update this list. All of these were in school posts


Baldwin Wallace: 20 (11 women, 9 men)
Ball State: 22 (12 women, 10 men)
Boston Conservatory: 55 (38 women, 17 men)
Carnegie Mellon:
Cincinnati Conservatory: 20 (15 women, 5 men)
Coastal Carolina: 17 (8 women, 9 men)
Elon University: 16 (9 women, 7 men)
Emerson: 18 (10 women, 8 men)
Florida State:
Illinois Wesleyan: 12 (5 women, 7 men)
Indiana University:
James Madison:
Long Island University Post: 35 (24 women, 11 men)
Missouri State: 20 (13 women, 7 men)
Molloy College/CAP21: 48 (24 women, 24 men)
NYU Tisch:
NYU Steinhardt:
Ohio University: 25 (20 women, 5 men)
Ohio Northern: 15 (11 women, 4 men)
Oklahoma City:
Otterbein: 16 (10 women, 6 men)
Pace: 30 (18 women, 12 men)
Penn State: 14 (8 women, 6 men)
Point Park:
Roosevelt/CCPA: 23 (20 women, 3 men)
Shenandoah: 29 (15 women, 14 men)
SUNY Fredonia:
Texas Christian University: 15 (9 women, 6 men)
Texas State:
University of Alabama: 16 (9 women, 7 men)
University of California, Los Angeles:
University of Michigan: 24 (12 women, 12 men)
University of Northern Colorado:
University of Utah:
University of Florida:
Wagner College:
Webster University:
Wright State:

If you know the numbers or find them, please copy/paste and update this list. All of these were in school posts

edited to add University of the Arts, Marymount Manhattan, Western Connecticut State University, Dean College and Temple University


Baldwin Wallace: 20 (11 women, 9 men)
Ball State: 22 (12 women, 10 men)
Boston Conservatory: 55 (38 women, 17 men)
Carnegie Mellon:
Cincinnati Conservatory: 20 (15 women, 5 men)
Coastal Carolina: 17 (8 women, 9 men)
Dean College:
Elon University: 16 (9 women, 7 men)
Emerson: 18 (10 women, 8 men)
Florida State:
Illinois Wesleyan: 12 (5 women, 7 men)
Indiana University:
James Madison:
Long Island University Post: 35 (24 women, 11 men)
Marymount Manhattan:
Missouri State: 20 (13 women, 7 men)
Molloy College/CAP21: 48 (24 women, 24 men)
NYU Tisch:
NYU Steinhardt:
Ohio University: 25 (20 women, 5 men)
Ohio Northern: 15 (11 women, 4 men)
Oklahoma City:
Otterbein: 16 (10 women, 6 men)
Pace: 30 (18 women, 12 men)
Penn State: 14 (8 women, 6 men)
Point Park:
Roosevelt/CCPA: 23 (20 women, 3 men)
Shenandoah: 29 (15 women, 14 men)
SUNY Fredonia:
Temple University:

Texas Christian University: 15 (9 women, 6 men)
Texas State:
University of Alabama: 16 (9 women, 7 men)
University of California, Los Angeles:
University of Michigan: 24 (12 women, 12 men)
University of Northern Colorado:
University of the Arts:
University of Utah:
University of Florida:
Wagner College:
Webster University:
Western Connecticut State University:
Wright State:


If you know the numbers or find them, please copy/paste and update this list. All of these were in school posts

edited to add University of the Arts, Marymount Manhattan, Western Connecticut State University, Dean College and Temple University


Baldwin Wallace: 20 (11 women, 9 men)
Ball State: 22 (12 women, 10 men)
Boston Conservatory: 55 (38 women, 17 men)
Carnegie Mellon:
Cincinnati Conservatory: 20 (15 women, 5 men)
Coastal Carolina: 17 (8 women, 9 men)
Dean College:
Elon University: 16 (9 women, 7 men)
Emerson: 18 (10 women, 8 men)
Florida State:
Illinois Wesleyan: 12 (5 women, 7 men)
Indiana University:
James Madison:
Long Island University Post: 35 (24 women, 11 men)
Marymount Manhattan:
Missouri State: 20 (13 women, 7 men)
Molloy College/CAP21: 48 (24 women, 24 men)
NYU Tisch:
NYU Steinhardt:
Ohio University: 25 (20 women, 5 men)
Ohio Northern: 15 (11 women, 4 men)
Oklahoma City:
Otterbein: 16 (10 women, 6 men)
Pace: 30 (18 women, 12 men)
Penn State: 14 (8 women, 6 men)
Point Park:
Roosevelt/CCPA: 23 (20 women, 3 men)
Shenandoah: 29 (15 women, 14 men)
SUNY Fredonia:
Temple University:
Texas Christian University: 15 (9 women, 6 men)
Texas State:
University of Alabama: 16 (9 women, 7 men)
University of California, Los Angeles:
University of Michigan: 24 (12 women, 12 men)
University of Northern Colorado:
University of the Arts:
University of Utah: 26 (14 women, 12 men)
University of Florida:
Wagner College:
Webster University:
Western Connecticut State University:
Wright State:

*Added Temple’s numbers

If you know the numbers or find them, please copy/paste and update this list. All of these were in school posts


Baldwin Wallace: 20 (11 women, 9 men)
Ball State: 22 (12 women, 10 men)
Boston Conservatory: 55 (38 women, 17 men)
Carnegie Mellon:
Cincinnati Conservatory: 20 (15 women, 5 men)
Coastal Carolina: 17 (8 women, 9 men)
Dean College:
Elon University: 16 (9 women, 7 men)
Emerson: 18 (10 women, 8 men)
Florida State:
Illinois Wesleyan: 12 (5 women, 7 men)
Indiana University:
James Madison:
Long Island University Post: 35 (24 women, 11 men)
Marymount Manhattan:
Missouri State: 20 (13 women, 7 men)
Molloy College/CAP21: 48 (24 women, 24 men)
NYU Tisch:
NYU Steinhardt:
Ohio University: 25 (20 women, 5 men)
Ohio Northern: 15 (11 women, 4 men)
Oklahoma City:
Otterbein: 16 (10 women, 6 men)
Pace: 30 (18 women, 12 men)
Penn State: 14 (8 women, 6 men)
Point Park:
Roosevelt/CCPA: 23 (20 women, 3 men)
Shenandoah: 29 (15 women, 14 men)
SUNY Fredonia:
Temple University: 21 (13 women, 8 men)
Texas Christian University: 15 (9 women, 6 men)
Texas State:
University of Alabama: 16 (9 women, 7 men)
University of California, Los Angeles:
University of Michigan: 24 (12 women, 12 men)
University of Northern Colorado:
University of the Arts:
University of Utah: 26 (14 women, 12 men)
University of Florida:
Wagner College:
Webster University:
Western Connecticut State University:
Wright State:

Northwestern does not have a BFA program, but there are 24 students in the MT Certificate (12 women, 12 men).

@obviouslyclay I’ve update the list accordingly, thanks.

If you know the numbers or find them, please copy/paste and update this list. All of these were in school posts


Baldwin Wallace: 20 (11 women, 9 men)
Ball State: 22 (12 women, 10 men)
Boston Conservatory: 55 (38 women, 17 men)
Carnegie Mellon:
Cincinnati Conservatory: 20 (15 women, 5 men)
Coastal Carolina: 17 (8 women, 9 men)
Dean College:
Elon University: 16 (9 women, 7 men)
Emerson: 18 (10 women, 8 men)
Florida State:
Illinois Wesleyan: 12 (5 women, 7 men)
Indiana University:
James Madison:
Long Island University Post: 35 (24 women, 11 men)
Marymount Manhattan:
Missouri State: 20 (13 women, 7 men)
Molloy College/CAP21: 48 (24 women, 24 men)
NYU Tisch:
Northwestern MT Certificate: 24 (12 women, 12 men)
NYU Steinhardt:
Ohio University: 25 (20 women, 5 men)
Ohio Northern: 15 (11 women, 4 men)
Oklahoma City:
Otterbein: 16 (10 women, 6 men)
Pace: 30 (18 women, 12 men)
Penn State: 14 (8 women, 6 men)
Point Park:
Roosevelt/CCPA: 23 (20 women, 3 men)
Shenandoah: 29 (15 women, 14 men)
SUNY Fredonia:
Temple University: 21 (13 women, 8 men)
Texas Christian University: 15 (9 women, 6 men)
Texas State:
University of Alabama: 16 (9 women, 7 men)
University of California, Los Angeles:
University of Michigan: 24 (12 women, 12 men)
University of Northern Colorado:
University of the Arts:
University of Utah: 26 (14 women, 12 men)
University of Florida:
Wagner College:
Webster University:
Western Connecticut State University:
Wright State:

Added Montclair.

If you know the numbers or find them, please copy/paste and update this list. All of these were in school posts


Baldwin Wallace: 20 (11 women, 9 men)
Ball State: 22 (12 women, 10 men)
Boston Conservatory: 55 (38 women, 17 men)
Carnegie Mellon:
Cincinnati Conservatory: 20 (15 women, 5 men)
Coastal Carolina: 17 (8 women, 9 men)
Dean College:
Elon University: 16 (9 women, 7 men)
Emerson: 18 (10 women, 8 men)
Florida State:
Illinois Wesleyan: 12 (5 women, 7 men)
Indiana University:
James Madison:
Long Island University Post: 35 (24 women, 11 men)
Marymount Manhattan:
Missouri State: 20 (13 women, 7 men)
Molloy College/CAP21: 48 (24 women, 24 men)
Montclair: 28 (don’t know gender breakdown)
NYU Tisch:
Northwestern MT Certificate: 24 (12 women, 12 men)
NYU Steinhardt:
Ohio University: 25 (20 women, 5 men)
Ohio Northern: 15 (11 women, 4 men)
Oklahoma City:
Otterbein: 16 (10 women, 6 men)
Pace: 30 (18 women, 12 men)
Penn State: 14 (8 women, 6 men)
Point Park:
Roosevelt/CCPA: 23 (20 women, 3 men)
Shenandoah: 29 (15 women, 14 men)
SUNY Fredonia:
Temple University: 21 (13 women, 8 men)
Texas Christian University: 15 (9 women, 6 men)
Texas State:
University of Alabama: 16 (9 women, 7 men)
University of California, Los Angeles:
University of Michigan: 24 (12 women, 12 men)
University of Northern Colorado:
University of the Arts:
University of Utah: 26 (14 women, 12 men)
University of Florida:
Wagner College:
Webster University:
Western Connecticut State University:
Wright State:

3/16/20 - 10:54 EDT

Corrected Roosevelt CCPA.

If you know or find the class numbers, please copy/paste and update this list. All of these were in school posts.


Baldwin Wallace: 20 (11 women, 9 men)
Ball State: 22 (12 women, 10 men)
Boston Conservatory: 55 (38 women, 17 men)
Carnegie Mellon:
Cincinnati Conservatory: 20 (15 women, 5 men)
Coastal Carolina: 17 (8 women, 9 men)
Dean College:
Elon University: 16 (9 women, 7 men)
Emerson: 18 (10 women, 8 men)
Florida State:
Illinois Wesleyan: 12 (5 women, 7 men)
Indiana University:
James Madison:
Long Island University Post: 35 (24 women, 11 men)
Marymount Manhattan:
Missouri State: 20 (13 women, 7 men)
Molloy College/CAP21: 48 (24 women, 24 men)
Montclair: 28 (don’t know gender breakdown)
NYU Tisch:
Northwestern MT Certificate: 24 (12 women, 12 men)
NYU Steinhardt:
Ohio University: 25 (20 women, 5 men)
Ohio Northern: 15 (11 women, 4 men)
Oklahoma City:
Otterbein: 16 (10 women, 6 men)
Pace: 30 (18 women, 12 men)
Penn State: 14 (8 women, 6 men)
Point Park:
Roosevelt/CCPA: BFA MT: 26 (13 women, 13 men); BFA MT-Dance: 23 (20 women, 3 men); BFA Acting: 20 (11 women, 9 men)
Shenandoah: 29 (15 women, 14 men)
SUNY Fredonia:
Temple University: 21 (13 women, 8 men)
Texas Christian University: 15 (9 women, 6 men)
Texas State:
University of Alabama: 16 (9 women, 7 men)
University of California, Los Angeles:
University of Michigan: 24 (12 women, 12 men)
University of Northern Colorado:
University of the Arts:
University of Utah: 26 (14 women, 12 men)
University of Florida:
Wagner College:
Webster University:
Western Connecticut State University:
Wright State:

I don’t have current info so have not added to the list. I do know in 2013 OCU had a class of 27 Mts (14 women, 13 men) and I think they usually try to stick to something close to that.

Added Manhattan School of Music

If you know or find the class numbers, please copy/paste and update this list. All of these were in school posts.


Baldwin Wallace: 20 (11 women, 9 men)
Ball State: 22 (12 women, 10 men)
Boston Conservatory: 55 (38 women, 17 men)
Carnegie Mellon:
Cincinnati Conservatory: 20 (15 women, 5 men)
Coastal Carolina: 17 (8 women, 9 men)
Dean College:
Elon University: 16 (9 women, 7 men)
Emerson: 18 (10 women, 8 men)
Florida State:
Illinois Wesleyan: 12 (5 women, 7 men)
Indiana University:
James Madison:
Long Island University Post: 35 (24 women, 11 men)
Manhattan School of Music: 25 (13 women, 12 men)
Marymount Manhattan:
Missouri State: 20 (13 women, 7 men)
Molloy College/CAP21: 48 (24 women, 24 men)
Montclair: 28 (don’t know gender breakdown)
NYU Tisch:
Northwestern MT Certificate: 24 (12 women, 12 men)
NYU Steinhardt:
Ohio University: 25 (20 women, 5 men)
Ohio Northern: 15 (11 women, 4 men)
Oklahoma City:
Otterbein: 16 (10 women, 6 men)
Pace: 30 (18 women, 12 men)
Penn State: 14 (8 women, 6 men)
Point Park:
Roosevelt/CCPA: BFA MT: 26 (13 women, 13 men); BFA MT-Dance: 23 (20 women, 3 men); BFA Acting: 20 (11 women, 9 men)
Shenandoah: 29 (15 women, 14 men)
SUNY Fredonia:
Temple University: 21 (13 women, 8 men)
Texas Christian University: 15 (9 women, 6 men)
Texas State:
University of Alabama: 16 (9 women, 7 men)
University of California, Los Angeles:
University of Michigan: 24 (12 women, 12 men)
University of Northern Colorado:
University of the Arts:
University of Utah: 26 (14 women, 12 men)
University of Florida:
Wagner College:
Webster University:
Western Connecticut State University:
Wright State:

Not sure about the specific number for the class of 2023, but Point Park usually has somewhere in the mid-twenties in its BFA MT class.

Carnegie Mellon’s class of 2023 is 29 - combined acting & MT. There are 16 women and 13 men.