MT curriculum

@joyfulmama had asked curriculum questions in another thread. Here’s my response to the best of my knowledge. If others have corrections or more information, please chime in!

11 classes outside MT are required in the liberal arts distribution. There are many choices within those requirements. All courses at UArts include components that are arts related in some way, which is a big plus for my D.

Students have the option to satisfy some liberal arts requirements at the nearby College of Sciences if they would like a more intensive science course or a math course. (The latter isn’t required of UArts students, much to my D’s delight.) My D enjoys natural and biological sciences and is planning on taking a course there. She’ll happily skip the math offered there, though, lol!

At least 8 classes of dance are required, including ballet, tap, jazz, partnering, and MT repertory, so they take every semester, and most or all weekdays. Students may take more, and they are leveled, with the opportunity for advanced students to take classes with dance majors.

8 semesters of private voice are required. Repertory classes are also required, plus other courses such as principles of singing and MT styles.

15 credit hours of free electives are required. (Free means they can be satisfied by courses in and/or outside of the major). There are a large number of different courses in the major such as Shakespeare, stage combat, film acting, playwriting, etc.

The College of Performing Arts has these additional requirements, all related to theatre except the electives, which can be anything outside the major.

–University Common Curriculum (4.5 credits): UACC 101 Creative Practices (1.5 credits); Take 1 course from subject: UACC; level: 200 or CRWT 320 Writing and Collaboration (3 credits)

–CPA College Core (9 credits):
Required Courses (6 credits):
CPAC 101 Expanded Fields: New Media & Technologies 1.5 credits
CPAC 201 Trading Places: Production/Documentation Workshop 1.5 credits
CPAC 301 The Artist as Entrepreneur 1.5 credits
CPAC 401 Extended Studio Practice: Engaging Communities 1.5 credits
Electives (3 credits)

–Select 3 credits: from the College of Art, Media & Design or the College of Performing Arts, excluding courses offered by the student’s designated school. My D can’t wait to explore other areas of art! She loves glass blowing and painting and is eager to explore at least one of those more.

There is a lot of room to follow individual interests at UArts. I’m not sure if a minor is possible; we never explored that possibility. UArts’ website is informative and helpful, and we’ve found the faculty and staff to be responsive to questions.

There’s someone on here doing a minor… Can’t remember who it is. Maybe @annelisesmom 's D?

I talked to someone who had minored in music business! She said it was hard, but she was able to do it. I feel the opposite about math and science—I’m hoping to take some business/stats/accounting classes as electives but I’m less than pumped about the SIFT requirement.

Yo MTVT the SIFT requirement classes are actually super cool! They’re not strictly science - a lot of them are more sociology type stuff. And there’s straight physics, if you’re feeling that :wink:

Yes, my daughter is an acting major and auditioned into the MT minor and starts that curriculum in the fall.

She is also planning to take several advanced science classes at The College of Sciences but they didn’t fit into her schedule this fall with the MT minor.

@theimmortalfish I just checked them out and there’s a class in people watching…I’m feeling that way more than straight physics!

Yeah, I wouldn’t worry about the science class, @MTVT2015, lol. It can be as light or heavy as you want it to be at UArts or the College of Sciences, and there are a lot of options!

The people watching class sounds great–super interesting!

Hahaha @MTVT2015 - as a Canadian I was really feeling the SIFT course entitled “discovering America”… Then again maybe I should put my physics diploma to use! :wink: