MT prescreens

Is there a site that you can find all the prescreen requirement for each school ?

Unfortunately, no. You have to go to the dept. admission info page on each school’s website.

Thank you

You could look up a number of schools on - the requirements are usually attached on the site.

What happens if you misread something and sent in a prescreen video that’s a little longer that the requirements? Should you contact the school and ask to resubmit? Also are the time limits for the actual singing or the singing and the slate for the song?

Usually, the limits are for the song/monologue (unless they specify otherwise). If you sent the wrong cut, it can’t hurt to reach out, explain the situation and send a new one, in my opinion. If you don’t and it’s rejected, you will forever be second-guessing if that’s why. Most admissions folks are pretty cool human beings, and if they’re not, that’s something useful to learn about them as well.