MT Programs that do not require SAT scores

<p>Can someone remind me of the programs that don't ask for SAT scores? In the process of registering for the Oct. test and don't want to send scores to schools that don't need them.</p>

<p>Am I right in remembering that CMU and CCM don't ask for them?</p>


<p>Best to check website of each school being applied to; I've read recently that many schools are changing their SAT requirements this year. Look under admission requirements, what was correct last year may have changed. :)
In my d's experience, from last year, every school she applied to required either ACT or SAT, her choice.</p>

<p>I am pretty sure (without checking ... feel lazy this a.m.! :)) that Carnegie Mellon requires SAT scores. If you look at the college web site, it lists average scores for kids entering in different majors, such as engineering and fine arts.</p>

<p>You need to check with each school and not rely on the forum. However, most schools require them. Of the schools with musical theater...Muhlenberg does not.</p>

<p>Juilliard, which is not for MT, doesn't require SATs. </p>

<p>If you go to, it lists schools which do not require SATs. </p>

<p>If I knew your schools, I could likely tell you which do or don't but my guess is that most of your schools do, including CMU and CCM.</p>

<p>With OCU and UCO and Sam Houston State: SAT I/ACT used only when minimum GPA and/or class rank is not met.</p>

<p>As I recall, Muhlenburg does not require SAT's. It is a BA program.</p>

<p>BoCo doesn't really. you may need to send proof that it was taken but the scores can be crappy and they don't care.</p>

<p>Most schools last year required SATs but NONE required SAT2's. Muhlenberg was the one school we encountered that did not REQUIRE sats. They let you submit an essay that had been graded and marked up by a teacher instead (not sure which is preferable!).While a school like CMU may not give that much weight to SAT scores, they still (as of last year) want them. </p>

<p>But as people have said here, whatever was required last year could change this year.</p>

<p>My daughter originally applied to over ten schools last year and not one of them required an SAT if she had an ACT. They all did required one OR the other.</p>

<p>MtMommy, this is good to point out. I should have been clear in my posts when referring to whether a SAT was required or not, that I meant the SAT OR ACT. Most schools require one or the other. lists schools that do not require standardized tests. As I said, Muhlenberg is one of the only MT programs I know of that does not, and actually Susquehanna does not. These are BA programs. OCU, UCO, and Sam Houston State are as noted above. Thanks for pointing out that it isn't so much whether the SAT is required but whether SAT OR ACT are required and for the majority of schools, yes, one or the other is. SATs are the norm for kids in the East pretty much and ACT is more common with kids in the midWest or West. I have clients who have only taken SAT and those from other regions who have only taken the ACT. Most schools require a standardized test score unless they are listed on</p>

<p>Another point is that California public universities, such as Cal State Fullerton and UCLA, require SATs, not ACTs. Few students in California elect to take the ACT, for this reason. The reason a student would want to consider taking the ACT rather than the SAT (and this has been discussed on the MT forum in the past) is that, in general, the ACT seems to be a kinder test for those who are stronger students than they are test-takers. Also, if you plan to take a course, hire a tutor, or otherwise study for the test, you may want to focus on just one of these tests, as the preparation is different for the SAT than for the ACT.</p>