MTV's TheU help

<p>hey everyone,</p>

<p>i have been using mtv's website for info on colleges. I love their entertaining and information videos, also. however, everytime I click on the links to the videos, I only see an advertisement for a dell (slow computer) thing instead of hte college video loading.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how to remedy this problem? Or where else to see theu videos? thanks a lot!</p>

in the search type in theu name of school
for example theu ohio state</p>

<p>thanks for the suggestion! Most of the schools are on youtube!
However, the videos are shortened :( most are only 1 min long as opposed to the usual 3-5 min.</p>

<p>So? You just have to click a few more times. :)</p>

<p>The video's aren't cut off?</p>

<p>I remember when the website first posted all the videos (not as segments), they were about 15 minutes long.</p>

<p>While it has been a bit since someone posted in this thread, I wanted to add a tip for those interested. The videos are cut up into segments, but each segment is uploaded onto youtube.
Go to their account page here:
YouTube</a> - Broadcast Yourself.</p>

<p>Then search their videos for the college of your choice. They'll all show up.</p>