Mudd Martial Arts

<p>Hey all of you incoming frosh. I'm Matt, I practice Hwa Rang Do, and I have been putting together a loose martial arts group at Mudd over the last year. I teach a martial arts PE class with three other students. I am a rising junior and the other three students are rising sophomores. </p>

<p>This message is for two types of people....</p>

<p>(1) If you have ever been interested in taking a martial arts class or have a little experience, this is a great class you should really consider taking. We go over martial arts basics (kicks and punches), then we move onto grabs and how to escape, rolling and falling, pressure points, a little grappling and throwing, and anything the students want to learn (ever watch any Jackie Chan movies?). The class provides a very well rounded look at a few different styles of martial arts.</p>

<p>(2) If you have practiced martial arts for four years or more and have teaching credentials through your affiliated martial art, please e-mail me. I am looking to recruit an incoming frosh so that the class will continued to be offered for many years to come. </p>

<p>So thatÂ’s the short of it. Please post comments or e-mail me if you want to know more.</p>