Muhlenberg Pre-Med

<p>Is Muhlenberg's pre-med program as strong as they claim it to be? I read on another post that most pre-meds just go on to get their D.O.s or something else---and not many get their M.D.s</p>

<p>Do u think I'd have better chances for med school in a more prestigious and well-known school like Lehigh or Bucknell.. or would Muhlenberg be viewed upon as pretty much the same?</p>

<p>Just please fill me in on any honest pre-med opinions about Muhlenberg </p>


<p>I attended Bucknell a long time ago, my cousin is a Lehigh grad, and my D is a sophomore (not pre-med) at Muhlenberg.</p>

<p>Have you looked at the post grad data from each school? Do you know how many intended pre-med majors are weeded out at each school? What med schools do each school "feed" to, and what are the % accepted? </p>

<p>You are wise to investigate the data more closely to make an informed decision. </p>

<p>My impression is that Pre-Med at Muhlenberg is highly regarded ( can't compare it to the other schools), but the "climate" the "fit" at Muhlenberg might be better (or worse) than Bucknell/ Lehigh.</p>

<p>Muhlenberg offers a small, nurturing environment. Would you find it comforting being a 'big' fish in a 'smaller' pond, or stifling?</p>

<p>Have you visited each campus? Hope this helps.</p>

<p>I don't think you can call Lehigh or Bucknell big schools, but they are larger than Muhlenberg.</p>

<p>Prestige-wise, Lehigh and Bucknell rank above Muhlenberg, and therefore you might have a better chance of getting into a top med school coming from one of those two. However, no matter where you go, you have to get the grades. If you love Muhlenberg and hate the other two, then you might be more likely to get As if you head to the school you want to attend.</p>

<p>Muhlenberg <em>is</em> known for being more of an artsy college than a pre-med one. Lehigh and Bucknell have reputations for science/engineering and business.</p>

<p>We attended Muhlenberg's Spring Open House two years ago, and by far, most of the questions asked were about the Pre Med program. </p>

<p>My niece graduated in 2001, before the Performing Arts Center opened, and I am quite sure Muhlenberg has a long standing reputation as an excellent (but, small) Pre-Med program. </p>

<p>The reputation as an "artsy college" has mostly sprung up since the NEW Arts Center opened in 2001.</p>

<p>I think the reputation of the artsy college has been closely tied to the applicants as well. Kids who apply to NYU often also apply to Muhlenberg, even though the campus, the surrounding area, and Allentown itself are NOTHING like NYC.</p>

<p>what is muhlenburg college like? types of students... classes... town.. etc</p>

<p>Muhlenberg is located in a residential section of Allentown, PA. The surrounding neighborhood is very quiet and suburban-feeling, with nice, old, and often large houses. A few blocks in one direction, and you're in the "inner city" -- an area that is low-income and unfortunately high in crime. A few blocks in the other direction, and you're on Cedar Crest Blvd, a relatively busy street with strips malls scattered on either side. You can't really walk to any stores or restaurants from the campus. If you have a car, however, you can get pretty much whatever you want within a 5-10 minute drive, including Dorney Park, a water park with roller coasters.</p>

<p>The campus itself is small and pretty, very intimate. I can't really say what the students are like, except that I know several who applied there because of theater arts, visual arts, and music. As SJCM stated above, the pre-med/sciences also attract students. Academically, it is one rung below nearby Lehigh and Lafayette, but considerably above also nearby Cedar Crest, Moravian College, and DeSalles University. It is considered an up-and-coming institution.</p>

<p>If you want to feel that you are in a college town, Muhlenberg won't be for you. If you want a strong campus community and support system, then you should definitely look into it.</p>

<p>Muhlenberg "markets" itself as the "caring College" and we have found this to be more than finding a niche. It is true.vMuhlenberg sends a solid % ( not sure what recent stat is maybe high 30%) to grad schools.</p>

<p>You will NOT be a number at this school, because the classes are small. If you want to do research with a prof, as my D's roomie is, then let it be known.</p>

<p>Muhlenberg just opened a new science building (fall 2006), and is developing a neuroscience major.</p>

<p>While Muhlenberg's campus is small, situated around green quad, the dining room, library, and performing arts buildings are quite plush, compared to similar sized PA schools. The new glassed enclosed work out area is very nice,too.</p>

<p>So classes are small, you could be a big fish in a small pond, as I stated above. Muhlenberg students mostly hail from NJ, NY and PA, and generous Merit Money and a Honors Program attracts very talented students. </p>

<p>MWFN explained the location and town (or lack of town). Allentown doesn't have much to offer the college students.</p>

<p>what about the kinds of students who go there?
i'm looking for not a preppy school but also not sooo so artsy/pretentious. i guess just a good balance and a school with "interesting" people, although i guess that's hard to define..</p>

<p>W77 you may have just defined Muhlenberg- a balance of those elements. </p>

<p>My D says that, while there are different "groups" of kids on campus, everyone gets along well. It is a friendly campus. </p>

<p>A friend recently took her junior D for a visit, and said didn't get an intense
"preppiness"- saw more diversity (although not racially) thank Gettysburg, and other similar sized PA LAC's. </p>

<p>The friend remarked about the friendliness of the students, as they walked around the campus. </p>

<p>Have you visited any schools? Have any front runners?</p>

<p>i'm really interested in wesleyan, and possibly skidmore too. a few others on my list are reed, colorado college, NYU, brown, vassar(although i've heard very mixed opinions of vassar). but at the top is definetly wesleyan. with everything being so competitive now, im looking for more backups.. although i dont know if that's even possible now. i'm going visiting spring break so hopefully i'll pick up a few more that i like then</p>

<p>What a great list of schools Wila! You are just beginning an exciting journey, and will have a greater sense of the type of school you want, after this spring visit. </p>

<p>Sounds like Muhenberg may be a "good" safety school for you, where you can pursue your interest in dance :)</p>

<p>During our visit last summer, we spent an hour chatting with a pre-med student at lunch. He was a rising sophomore doing research during the summer with his biology prof. This is one more reason to consider the school for pre-med. The opportunity to do research (no grad students to compete with) and small size could give you experiences that you'd never have at other schools. Also, the relationships forged may go a long way towards the recommendations for med school that you'll need in the future.</p>

<p>With regards to the comment about grads going on to D.O. programs, there may be many things playing into that (if it's accurate). Relationship ties often influence people's decision to travel far away. Perhaps grads did get admitted to medical schools, but didn't like the locale and so chose a D.O. program instead. Also, since the D.O. is a more wholistic approach to medicine, I wonder if graduates of smaller LACs are more likely to favor that type of approach (you know education in the liberal arts leading to the bigger picture).</p>

<p>Another thing to check into at Muhlenberg, or any other school for that matter is how they structure their "pre-med' advising program. Some schools really guide a chosen few and support them in the medical school application process. Thus their stated acceptance rates to medical school is quite high because they planned it that way. I have no idea how Muhlenberg's program works. Just a general comment.</p>

<p>Thanks for all of your great replys :) I'm very interested in Muhlenberg.... I just would love the small, nurturing enviroment :)</p>

<p>I'm visiting there on April 28th for the Junior's Open House.
Maybe I'll see some of you there :-D</p>

<p>Be sure to share your experience with us after you visit the 'berg ! Hope you have a gorgeous sunny spring day, when the azaleas are blooming, because it is a pretty campus- small, but beautifully maintained</p>

<p>Yesss....Let me tell you, April 28th better be a bright and sunny day! :-) I'll make sure to write a very detailed visit report for all of you lovely people. I'm so excited to see Muhlenberg! </p>


<p>Iā€™m a Muhlenberg grad ā€“ got a great chemistry & biology training (but just as the arts program was starting) ā€“ got accepted at University of Chicago in MD/PhD, as well as Penn and other good schools. Muhlenberg, at least when I was there, offered the chance to learn the science and be a part of college life, too (theater and newspaper for me).</p>

<p>Berg^ congrats on those stellar acceptances!
I am PMing you.</p>