Haven’t seen a discussion for this college yet… anyone else get accepted into Muir? 
What is your major? And, to hopefully get people feeling more pumped in some way lol, what are you most excited about for Muir/UCSD in general?
I’m glad that it’s walking distance from the beach, and of course the GE requirements lol. The dorm sizes also look bigger than most of the uni’s I’ve applied to.
In at Muir for Econ.
La Jolla is the most beatific part of CA I’ve ever been to, so I’d definetly say that would be the most exciting part! It would be like a 4 year stay on a beach resort.
I won’t be attending due to crappy FA, but good luck to you all! SD is gorgeous.
I’m in for Electrical Engineering. I haven’t decided if I’m going yet though. I definitely like the beach and the weather 
I’m in as undeclared social sciences, I think I’m going to UCSD. If anyone needs and off campus room mate I’m here!
I’m in as an Undeclared, although my first major was Computer Engineering. Hopefully there’s a way to be part of the School of Engineering and be a triton!
I am going in as undeclared! I am very excited for Muir. Hopefully Ill get a nice roomate lol
@RoshanC I wish you the best of luck!
@veev123 I’m excited too!
And same haha, but I’m sure most of the people will be very nice!
I heard that most of the freshmen in muir live in triple dorms with two roommates, does anyone know if this is true?
@veev123 Yes, almost all freshman are in triples. It’s crowded but almost everyone really likes housing environment.
MUIR! My major is biochemistry and cell biology. So excited!
I’m in as Math-Computer Science!! Still not sure about attending UCSD or not(waiting for other schools!), does anyone know how’s Muir? (Tbh I’m an international student who has no idea of difference between colleges(tho I read some comments abt them)
Congrats everyone getting into UCSD<3
@mathismylife A lot of people like Muir because it’s general ed requirements are pretty laid-back. Its dorms are also the closest to the beach! 
Here is a link about it, and you can also see what the other colleges are like too!
How hard is it to get housing? (Do they guarantee it for Freshman? I’ve heard conflicting reports on the subject)
I’m admitted as a General Bio student (hoping to double major with that and dance but I’ll decide on that further down the road)
And congrats to you all for getting in ^~^
For the last few years housing has been guaranteed for two years. The important thing is to sign up for housing ASAP. Because Muir is so popular in recent years some Muir freshman who signed up for housing late got put into dorms in other colleges. It takes a lot of the joy out of the college system when that happens.
Yo I got into Muir too as Literature/Writing major. Want to change to econ asap though. Really conflicted because I also got into NYU and don’t know if I like the city or not…
Are the rumors about the lack of social life at UCSD true?
hey guys. I got into Muir majoring in Computer science. I wanted to know if I would receive a BA in CS or BS in CS on doing so? Sorry if its sounds stupid
@FarWestCoast I haven’t applied for housing to Muir yet, is it too late? It doesn’t give the option until after I submit my SIR, and I wanted to tour a couple of the other colleges I got accepted to first
@missjantastic I’m sure you will be fine if you apply immediately after you SIR on May 1st but DO NOT DELAY after that or you run a risk of being housed in different college.
@davinci1000 It is irrelevant that you are in Muir to your major. YOU can choose to get a BA or BS in CS. Both are in the department of engineering. Read about the differences here: http://cse.ucsd.edu/ugrad
@FarWestCoast Okay, thank you for the info!