Multi-race dating

<p>Are you against Multi race dating or encourage it?</p>

<p>If your a blonde, would you go out with an asian person?</p>

<p>If your asian, would you go out with a black person?</p>

<p>I just never see two different race partners in my school, is it the same as your school?</p>

<p>Q1. I guess I "encourage it." It's not like I go around saying, "Tiffany, you should date Jamal just because he's a different race!" or anything though. I think if you like the person, you should go for it regardless of race. </p>

<p>Q2. I'm a blond who's dated an African American girl, so does that answer your question? </p>

<p>Q3. People tend to stick to those of their own race, but interracial dating isn't uncommon. I currently have a white friend dating a black friend, and a Hispanic friend dating a Hmong girl. And obviously in a school of 2000 kids there's more than that.</p>

<li><p>Um...I don't really see a problem with it. One of my best friends dated a black man for quite a while and she's white.</p></li>
<li><p>No. There's interracial dating here all the time.</p></li>

<p>I don't know why there'd be a problem with it.</p>

<p>Yes, I would. But I'm not blonde lol. </p>

<p>We have alot of interracial dating. I don't ever even think about it. I dated two Hispanic guys and I'm white.</p>

<p>Interracial dating is fine with me.</p>

<p>I'm a blonde, and I am dating an "asian person". He is wonderful, and we have been together for a little over a year. So I would definitely date an asian guy, haha.</p>

<p>Hmm up here in Seattle, I see lots of multi race dating at my school.</p>

<p>there is DEFINTELY interracial dating at my school. the majority of kids tend to be jewish or asian, some other caucasian, and a few black/hispanic. </p>

<p>The couple that is prob going to win cutest couple (they're adorable) is my friend, who is blonde, and her bf is asian---I think he's pacific islander though. or a mix. </p>

<p>there is a decent amount of interracial dating based on the percentage of minorities/other ethnicities at my school.</p>

<p>... Is the OP Asian?... cause we see this type of thread a lot here, and I don't want to draw conclusions, but yanno.</p>

<p>i'm asian and i would definitely date a black person. . .or a purple person or a green person. . .he just needs to have an awesome personality</p>

<p>Haha, amen to that.</p>

<p>Yeah, I am asian, haha. I have a tendency to like blondes, pretty weird.</p>

<p>My white friend used to date asian girls all the time. He was always in honors and AP classes and claimed that Asians were the only girls he associated with, thus his only prospect for girlfriends. This really didn't work out. The values and beliefs of the girls he dated were so different from his that the relationships crumbled very quickly. It is the same reason I typically don't date girls of other races. I believe that the values, attitudes, and beliefts of other cultures would not mesh with mine all the time. That isn't to say that other values, attitudes and beliefs are wrong. I am only saying that they are different than mine, and this could lead to problems. I know many black girls, and they have many common traits among them. I could not see myself dating any of them because of these common traits. With Asians, there is variety. There are some that I could see myself dating, but I guess that is only because they are quite americanized and have a similar value system to me. So yea, I see no problem with interraccial dating as long as the two people aren't so different that these differences hinder the relationship. I am Jewish and dated Catholics and find it to be more negatives than positives. Like the example earlier, it isn't because they are wrong, just different from me and our values don't mesh.</p>

<p>Is it just me, or does it seem that Indians are the ethnicity least likely to date someone of a different ethnicity?</p>

<li><p>Neither. See southeasttitan's post.</p></li>
<li><p>I'm not blond, but I am Asian (Indian).</p></li>
<li><p>One of my best friends and his girlfriend are different races, and I see it all the time.</p></li>

<p>"I know many black girls, and they have many common traits among them. I could not see myself dating any of them because of these common traits."</p>

<p>What common traits are you talking about? Are you saying that all black girls are the same? (not accusing you of anything just clarifying)</p>

<p>...becarfeul with this topic. I'm all for civil discussion discussion but when you discuss something like interracial dating...Lets just say some people are a tad more "provincial" than most of you guys.</p>

<p>Note: For future reference, it's typically not called multi-racial dating, but rather interracial. </p>

<p>I'm African-American in a county that is about 75% minority, but my school is the best in the county, so there are more whites and asians at our school, which means we have the most amazing diversity.</p>

<p>Personally, I grew up in a really nice neighborhood, and spent most of my developmental years around rich jewish white kids before transferring to my super diverse public high school. Most of the people I hang out with are in the honors program with me, which is about 50% black, 30% white, and 20% asian. So although I'm attracted to white guys more often, because that's who I'm used to being around, I'm interested in anyone who is nice and attractive of any race. I've dated black guys and white guys, and I have a crush on a really cute half-asian, part white, part black guy. He's the perfect blend! :)</p>

<p>I think it depends on where you live. You see it really often in my county, because most people are minorities, so the white kids are exposed to different cultures early on and aren't "afraid" to date whoever they like. Plus, we're not in the south, where (no offense) I think would be much harder to date interracially. Also, if there's only 5% minorities in a place where everyone is white, they'd probably end up either sticking together and dating each other, or assimilating completely and only dating white people. It's harder to find a mix in places like that. That's why I really love my area, because although it's not very diverse (considering that a minority majority isn't really diversity) everyone is very accepting. </p>

<p>I know
-A hispanic/Jewish girl dating a Jamaican guy
-A black girl dating a hispanic guy
-Loads of white guys dating black girls
-A million Asian girls dating a million white guys
-A good amount of black guys dating black girls
-An Asian guy dating a Swedish chick (granted, this isn't common and he is the captain of lacrosse and 6'0, so not your 'typical Asian')</p>


That would actually be the same race, Caucasoids..</p>

<p>^^^Oh, come on. Hispanics and whites are substantially different. For god's sake, they have 2 different check boxes.</p>

<p>I'm white and I'm dating an Indian girl, so yeah, I support interracial dating. Honestly though, when you actually care about someone, their race doesn't come into play. Go with someone that you actually like and never reject someone just because they are a different race than you.</p>

<p>Eh, I don't even care about race when I'm into someone.</p>

<p>Currently, I'm a Hispanic/Indian dating an Asian. =]</p>