Multi-race dating

<p>a jewish person and another white person is not considered interracial dating</p>

<p>where do you live?</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I'm sure many of you have seen "Yellow Fever" on Youtube, the video that questions why white guys can date asian girls, but asian guys can't get white girls. :)</p>

<p>Thought it went along with our topic quite nicely.</p>

<p>I agree with Devilsrule, to an extent. I believe that it is true that cultural differences and values are part of the reason why different races don't usually date each other. However, sometimes that doesn't even matter. My boyfriend is Chinese/Japanese, and I'm Russian. He's a conservative and I'm a liberal, yet we've still been dating for more than a year. Our values and cultural differences haven't hindered our relationship. I know another couple at our school where the boy is Indian, and the girl is asian. They seem to be doing fine, too.</p>

<p>I would also like to know what they mean by "common traits" in black women. Do you mean intelligence, how they dress, how they act, or what they look like?</p>

<p>Devilsrule, that is a very thoughtful response.</p>

<p>Personally, I definitely support interracial relationships. I love guys with different values/personality than me, unless they're really dogmatic about it (as in they want to impose their beliefs on me.) I can't imagine being limited to just my race- maybe because I'm a minority, and that would really limit my prospects. </p>

<p>Just in case you wanted to know, in my school it's about 20% Asian, 60% white, 15% Hispanic and 5% African American. I believe that is quite diverse, but not near the <em>perfect</em> blend of 25/25/25/25, of course. </p>

<p>~edit: In my gifted program it is about 50/50 Asian/White with not one Hispanic or African American person.</p>