Multi UC SIR 2020?

I have submitted my SIR to multiple public UCs. I know UC talks to each other, but will they be enforcing 1 SIR this year/rescinding me if I sir to multiple UCs? I know this is not right for UC as my SIR contract stated I cannot, but I am unable to determine where to go due to many factors.

not tryna be rude or salty here but as a waitlisted student at UCB, you are probably taking someone’s spot and opportunity to get in if u don’t end up going there and that’s not cool at all. While you should take your time and determine what is the best for you and future you shouldn’t be hurting other people’s chances at the same time if you are submitting an SIR to a bunch of UCs. You should definitely try to decide which one is right for you ASAP and again just because I am saying this there is no need to make like any hasty decisions. Do what is best for you but at the same time look at it from an ethical point of view and try your best to decide as soon as possible.

I believe you are taking a huge risk of being rescinded by SIRing to multiple UCs at the same time. The correct thing to do is to contact admissions and request a deadline extension by explaining why you can’t make a decision in the time frame given. It is up to them to decide if they will grant it or not.

It’s an especially hard year to make a decision but students all over the world are facing the same dilemma and playing by the rules.

Yes, they will be reinforcing the 1 SIR for the UC’s and as stated above, you risk losing all your enrollments unless you notify each UC about withdrawing or asking for an extension.

Everyone has extenuating circumstances this year. You are taking someone else’s seat -and risking loosing yours. At this point, an extension seems unlikely.

Pick and get on with it.