Multiculturalism & Diversity opinions?

<p>What do you guys think of multiculturalism? I'm half and half on it. Alot of my friends come from Eastern Europe and Asia so I guess It's safe to say I benefited from it. On the other half I can see how it effects nations and how alot of people dislike it. </p>

<p>Most Asylum seekers and other third world people seem to always want to live in Europe, North America or Australia which are mostly all white. Why do they choose to go there instead of lets say Japan and East Asia which have huge growing economies? Already in Europe there is a big problem with immigrants causing mostly all the crime who are non-white. </p>

<p>But yet European media and other sources push multiculturalism on the people non stop (same in America) not giving them a choice. I see it as the liberals push for Multiculturalism and the Nationalists push for Nationalism. With an average increase of 8% per year, the non-western immigrants will become the majority in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, England and other European countries by 2050 if nothing is done to prevent this situation (I have articles on this, I'll find them later). I think this is kind of messed up since Europe is the historical home for white people, like Asia is for Asians. </p>

<p>It seems like if you say anything against it your condemed as a racist and so on and that only white people can do wrong. I really hate this crap since I plan on moving to Europe when I'm out of college. The only place that seems to care about their people is Russia and Western Europe/America/Austrialia seems to care more about political correctness.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a>
"Muslims constute the overwhelming majority of prisoners in France, home to Europe's largest Muslim population, with recent estimates at 70%. Surrounding nations reportedly have similar figures. Its difficult to come to a precise number, due to that ethnicity-based censuses are banned in France, but Iranian-French sociologist Farhad Khosrokhavar has made estimations using complexion, names, and religious traditions like prohibition of pork."</p>

<p>Yeah banned ethnic based figures, seems to be very very liberal. </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a> Maddox explains diversity better then me.</p>

<p>alright, well i would post something, but i'm kind of tired of discussion muticulturalism and race and stuff. it's a touchy subject. 4 threads ro so have been started about it and 1 was completely deleted b/c some ignorant people got out of hand.</p>

<p>anyway, just wanted to say that please post something logical that isn't completely rude. this topic is interesting and i'm glad to see TPECK brought it up in an educated manner without cussing up a storm (just that one word haha), unlike others that have posted before.</p>

<p>tpeck, i understand your where you are coming from, but what can anyone do? i mean we can complain about it or defend it, but it's kind of hard to actually DO something about it. i'm going to oversimplify my opinion, but i don't mind multiculturalism as long as it's not forced and people don't lose a sense of their native culture. it's hard to explain. but i think i'd rather have people be "encouraged" to mix than discouraged. like i said, somewhat of an oversimplification, but i dont want to get all deep into it. and even if i did get into in it wouldn't come out right.</p>

<p>again, if you are going to say something, don't be a racist bigot about it.</p>


<p>I think this is kind of messed up since Europe is the historical home for white people, like Asia is for Asians. </p>

<p>UH....if you've taken AMerican History you know that America is the historical home for native americans, and not white people, who are the majority. Which is why your stuff doesn't make sense.</p>

<p>o well. This is a useless thread anywho.</p>

<p>The thing is...Native Americans didn't have the power to stop it. Europeans do have the power but choose to ignore it and base everything on politics. You don't see China and Japan- who have more money compared to any European country- taking in third world people and being huge welfare states. In the long run these European countries are going to suffer from what they are doing and no one will use logic and do something about it. Instead they what to be liberal do gooders and focus on being politically correct.</p>


<p>I agree with your notion that the balance of immigration is very skewered. For example, many Asians immigrate to North America and Europe, yet their native countries are very homogeneous and rather xenophobic (i.e. Japan and South Korea). Before we condemn the French or anybody else when they express their fear of becoming "overrun" by minorities, let's pause and think of a reverse scenario where a Muslim country or Asian country were to be overrun by non-native peoples. There would be a hysterical outcry. </p>

<p>Of course, I think it's important to differentiate between Europe and North America, as while Europe is ancient and traditionally white, North America is too young to be claimed by any race. There's no one European nationality that can claim America, whether it be the British, French, Spanish, German, etc. because they have all had a hand in it. It's ridiculous to assign ownership based on skin colour. That's like saying all white people are the same, which I'm sure no white person appreciates hearing.</p>

<p>nbachris is right. Europe is "white" only in the sense that most of the people are light skinned, but as far as culture goes they can't be all classified as just "white". i mean, most italians, english , and french are light skinned, but i'd like to see you tell them they are all the same because they are "white". you'd probably get shot, punched, or, but you know what i'm trying to say.</p>

<p>tpeck, i understand if you think the culture in individual European countries is being threatened by so much immigration, but saying that the "whiteness" of Europe is being threatened is kind of absurd.</p>

<p>and do you really propose that Europe and the US run the government like China? that's a scary thought.</p>

<p>Not really, everyone in Europe is white and they know it. You would not get punched in Italy if you told someone that they are white. You WOULD get punched if you told them that they wern't. Europe has an extreme amount of diversity in culture and language but the kind of diversity the liberals and radicals want is racial.</p>

<p>When white people in a country like England become a minority in the future, then the whiteness of the county is threaten.</p>

<p>China and Japan arn't stupid. You're never going to see those countrys give into multiculturalism that Western Europe and North America are pushing. Look at any European Univesity's website, it's pathetic. They have pages of racial diversity and how they support it.</p>

<p>If the incoming minorities seamlessly integrated themselves into the culture, would that still be a problem? Or do their superficial ethnic features forever bar them from being "true" Americans or Europeans? I bring this up because Tpeck keeps saying that the whiteness, as opposed to the "Englishness" or "Frenchness" is threatened, which leads me to believe that the issue is not culture but race. That's an ugly thought.</p>

<p>i agree with nbachris</p>



<p>um, Asia is the historical home for asians asia. people are "asian" because they are from asia. i mean, that's why they are named "asians"...because they are from asian. it's like saying that the north is historically a home for northerners...duh. northerners are called northerners because their home are in the north. it's their home because it the REGION they live in, not because of what color they are. russians are pretty much white, but they are asians beacause russia is in asia. </p>

<p>anyway, with your impressive logical reasoning that asia is a home for asians, we can also say that europe would be a home for "EUROPEANS", not white people as you claim. europe is home to europeans, it's not that hard to understand. sure, a lot of europeans are white, but that's not what make europe thier home. white people didn't team up together and make europe their home. its just that people from that reagion are more lightskinned because it's not on the friggin equator. </p>

<p>by your definition, all the "white" americans and canadians would fit in perfectly into europe since apparently it is home for white people, which isn't true. i don't get how you can make this about "whiteness" and not about culture. lets say the black english people and white english people started mixing more. would you have a problem with that? i mean, the english culture isn't really mixing with immigrants. but i guess you would diagree with it being ok since the oh so important "whiteness" would be threatened. so?...who cares if the "whiteness" is threatened? it's just skin color. it's not like the culture itself of that country is being threatened, which should be the main concern. you should try not categorizing people by sheer color, and more by culture and region, in which case color may consequently be a trait of those people, but not what they should be defined by.</p>

<p>a white irish man is a lot different from a white italian. and a black frenchman is a lot different than a black american. and a "white" chinese person is a lot different from a "white" russian or a "white" japanese person. being white is just about color, not culture. if someone is german, you can automatically say they are european. if someone says they are white, you can't automatically say they are european. that just doesn't make sense. make sure you make that distinction.</p>

<p>Here goes Tpeck again.</p>

<p>Do you happen to have some personal experience with people of color that causes you to pursue this issue at almost every debate that it pops up in?</p>

<p>I believe that people who worry about race too much and cry out that they are being "discriminated" against 99% of the time are just trying to make some bs excuse.</p>

<p>exactly. i honestly don't care what color anyone is, and don't judge them on that at all, unless for some ignorant reason they choose to be judged just by their color. at any rate, "diversity" is perfectly fine and doesn't "threaten" anything. the only thing it threatens is culture, in which that problem can be solved by people just remembering what their culture is and practicing it. but to say a certain color is being threatened is just stupid. it's like saying that tall people and short people shouldn't mix because tallness would be threatened. really, cmon?</p>

<p>So you guys would be abosoluty fine if Europeans voluntary became a minority (being the first race to ever do so)? Lets say Europe was 40% black and 50% South Asian and what ever else as the rest. You guys wouldn't give a second thought to it? This issue is both culture and raced based since Europeans are of what race?... Asian?... Black? No, they are white caucasian. When we say a person is Euro-Asian, we are not saying they are half asian and half black or any other race that could move and live in Europe. We're saying the are have white and asian. So I'm using european to describe white people and their culture from Europe.</p>

<p>Coqui, tall and short people is a horrible example. Give something better since a tall person and a short person could have a kid who could be short, tall, medium, or whatever.</p>

<p>um, white people and black people can have children that can come out with light skin and less ethnic hair, or they can have dark children with really ethnic hair, or in between. are you really this ignorant. you keep mixing color and culture. you are basically complaining how a culture will threaten a color, when it should be about a culture threatening a culture. and there are plently of black english people and french people. not all of europe is light skinned. and a euro-asian is just that, a european asian. not a "white-asian", but a french asian, or english asian, or whatever other euro country asian. someone who is half white american and half chinese is not the same thing as someone who is half white english and half chinese.</p>

<p>"Lets say Europe was 40% black and 50% South Asian and what ever else as the rest. You guys wouldn't give a second thought to it?"</p>

<p>you can't classify people by color and say they haev a definite culture based on that. i mean, black people around the world don't have the same culture. there culture depends on where they live, not what color they are. so although 40% of europe would be black, the culture of those black people would differ greatly depending in what country they lived in. you keep treating "black" and "white" as a culture, when it's not. its just color of skin. </p>

<p>what your saying is the same as saying, "what if europe was 40% red head and 50% asian?" or "what if europe was 40% hazel eyed and 50% asian". you are comparing physical features to culture. it just doesn't make sense.</p>

<p>"um, white people and black people can have children that can come out with light skin and less ethnic hair, or they can have dark children with really ethnic hair, or in between. are you really this ignorant."
- A mixed child of white with another race is not going to, or ever be apart of the European/White race. A tall and a small person of the same race are going to both hold the same traits of a race where as another race would not have those traits.
"you keep mixing color and culture."
-There is alot more to race then color.
-An Euro-Asian is a half white half asian person. Get it right.
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
"you can't classify people by color and say they haev a definite culture based on that."
-You certainly can, physical features go side by side in culture, why do you think Europe is always in the "Western Idea's" group? Sure there are small differences. An Irish, Finn, German and a Russian who are all white are going to have some differences in culture, but will have way more common then a black person from Ethiopia or a Vietnamese person.</p>

<p>haha. way to provide a link that only supports what i'm saying.


<p>the word "white" isn't even anywhere in that article. way to go.</p>

"you keep mixing color and culture."
-There is alot more to race then color.


<p>that's what i've been trying to tell you. culture and race aren't about color, they are about where a person is from.</p>

"you can't classify people by color and say they haev a definite culture based on that."
-You certainly can, physical features go side by side in culture, why do you think Europe is always in the "Western Idea's" group? Sure there are small differences. An Irish, Finn, German and a Russian who are all white are going to have some differences in culture, but will have way more common then a black person from Ethiopia or a Vietnamese person.


<p>the are going to have "SOME" differences? try a lot. besides there color, they are pretty different. and again, the only reason that their cultures would have minimal similarities as oppose to asian or ethiopian is because they fall in the same region/continent, not because they are both white. </p>

<p>people are different colors only because the sun hits the earth "harder" in certain regions of the world. the closer people were to the equator, the darker people were genetically made to be. </p>

<p>culture however, has nothing to do with skin color. if the somehow the earth had gotten the same amount of sun for millions of years and every human was therefore the same color, there would still be different cultures. </p>

<p>white people don't all have the same culture, and neither to black people, or tan people.</p>

<p>there are some really white chinese people, and there are some chinese people that are tanner, but hey they are both chinese. and there are black looking puerto ricans and tan ones and white one, but hey look they are all puerto rican. why is this? because they and grew up in the same area. culture isn't genetic. i mean you can't leave an english baby to be raised in china and expect the baby to somehow act, talk, and know about english culture. if he's raised by chinese people, that's what culture he will identify with. culture is defined by who raises you, where, and how, not by what color you are.</p>

<p>Tpeck Tpeck Tpeck.. another 'color' argument..

Alot of my friends come from Eastern Europe and Asia so I guess It's safe to say I benefited from it.


No offence but I would hate to be your non-white friend...
Your ideas are really really _ _ _ _ ed up.(bad word). Color of skin is JUST color. You can't say culture and color are the same thing.
Sorry but Coqui is 110% correct on this one.</p>

- A mixed child of white with another race is not going to, or ever be apart of the European/White race. A tall and a small person of the same race are going to both hold the same traits of a race where as another race would not have those traits.


<p>Hence the One-Drop Rule, huh? You know, a friend of mine is Moroccan but everyone mistakes him for Italian because he does look like the stereotypical Italian (dark hair, prominent nose, lots of facial hair, etc.). It's no secret that Southern Italians probably have some mixed blood with the North Africans. So is Southern Italy not really a part of Europe to you? </p>

<p>Yes, a mixed child will never be technically white. He or she'll be multiracial, and will have the choice to identifying with all of their ethnic backgrounds. But they'll never be European? Europe's not a race, it's a culture/location. </p>

<p>It was traditionally white? So? North America was traditionally Asian, or at least non-white. I guess you will express the same xenophobia towards all non-Asians who dare to call themselves Americans or Canadians because traditionally, it was not like that. Oh wait, you said that since the First Nations people didn't have the means to preserve themselves, they don't deserve to hold on to their homeland. Might makes right, huh? Hell, if I was a racist, I could say that using that same rationale, Europeans don't deserve to keep Europe white if they can't breed faster than the immigrants are coming.</p>