<p>I heard that no matter how many times you take the ACT, only your BEST single score is sent in.</p>
<p>Fact or fiction?</p>
<p>I heard that no matter how many times you take the ACT, only your BEST single score is sent in.</p>
<p>Fact or fiction?</p>
<p>With the ACT, you have the choice of which scores to send. Why anyone would send in anything other than their best, I don't know, but you make the decision, not them.</p>
<p>I see. Well I guess one might choose to send in two scores in a situation like this:</p>
<p>TEST 1
English 34
Math 34
Reading 36
Science 36</p>
<p>TEST 2
English 36
Math 36
Reading 34
Science 34</p>
<p>I suppose you might, but be aware also that most colleges (yes, there are exceptions) do not mix & match sections of the ACT, although they may do so for the SAT.</p>
<p>Why don't you just go to the ACT web site and see for yourself? It is perfectly clear. You select which date you want to send (it isn't the ACT company that decides). If you want to send an additional date's scores, you can -- you just need to pay more.</p>
<p>If I were you, I'd send test 2 since most people consider Reading and Science to be harder anyway.</p>
<p>averagedesi - </p>
<p>that was just a hypothetical situation, one I'd love to be in, but fictitious nonetheless</p>
<p>In order of easiest to hardest: Reading, Science, Math, English.</p>
<p>Check the distributions on the ACT website. Does anyone know when the 06 one comes out?</p>
<p>Holy crap julyinoh! I always excel in Math and English yet do VERY poorly in Science and Reading.</p>
<p>Hahaha.. I excel in English and Reading.. (reading is the easiest by far) it sucks too cuz I'm asian..</p>
<p>I find reading so difficult! I find english a piece of cake, along with math. science again I have trouble with but for some reason, reading really gets me.</p>