Multiple admissions from same hs?

<p>I heard that some schools are reluctant to admit more than one student per high school, is this true? This may not be true of high schools that frequently send students to a particular college, but what about high schools that only have maybe one, or maybe not even one, student that ever applied or was accepted? We are aware that more than one student from my d's hs is applying, will this hurt her chances if each student applying has similar credentials? I know there are some hs's in the Fordham area that send many students to Fordham. We are not located in the northeast, so there are very few if any students from our hs that have applied or gone to Fordham. Just wondering if Fordham would accept more than one student from a hs that is totally out of the region? Especially if more than one applicant from the same hs have very similar backgrounds?</p>

<p>All I know is that there were some traditional and STRONG Catholic schools in the New York, New Jersey and Connecticut area and some prestigious prep schools and very highly regarded public schools that Fordham traditionally recruited. While they still recruit there, they are also trying to recruit more nationally. I dont think your D will be harmed by being from a school that has not traditionally sent a lot of kids to Fordham, even if someone else is also applying there with similar stats. If your stats are in the clearly admit zone, there isnt something to worry about. If your stats are on the bubble, that may be a concern. But that would be the case at other schools as well. College admissions are highly competitive and the demographics are at their peak right now, though expected to taper off somewhat in a few years. </p>

<p>My D was the first from her school to apply and attend Fordham. She is doing very well and I think that bodes well for anyone else who may follow her. </p>

<p>I just dropped my D off at the airport to return to Fordham from Thanksgiving break. The airport in our hometown (we are southerners) was full of students returning to schools, mostly the northeast. We are a proud Fordham family and love it when people point and whisper! LOL. </p>

<p>Best of luck to you.</p>

<p>I don't think that it matters. Most colleges have regional quotas, but they won't reject you for that alone.</p>

<p>I don't think it makes a difference either. As far as I know the only school that is reluctant to admit more than one student from the same school is Brown.</p>

<p>Hmm…it would be Brown. Pretentious hippies.</p>

<p>If that is true, it seems unfair…and peculiar. If two students are good candidates, it shouldn’t matter if they attended the same school.
I wonder if that is true about Brown.</p>