Multiple choice for AP Literature and Comp

<p>Hey guys. So I was wondering... How many questions can one miss on the multiple choice section of the AP Literature and Composition section of the test and still make a 5 on the AP exam with making anywhere from 5-7 on all three of the essays?</p>

<p>Check out [AP</a> Pass - AP English Literature Calculator](<a href=ā€œ]APā€>AP English Literature Test Score Calculator - AP Pass)</p>

<p>With a 6 on all three essays, you need to get around 65% correct on the MC to get a low 4. I just took a practice test in cliff notes and got 33/55 correct lol. Iā€™m hoping that these tests are harder than the real exam. Also, how hard do they grade the essays? Is it reasonable to expect a 6 on all three? If so, I just need to get 36 or more MC choice correct for my chance at a four.</p>

<p>If you miss 10, you need 7-7-6 on essays, more or less.</p>