Multiple College Audition Coaching Packages

Do any parents have experience with one of the larger college audition coaching services?

My child is a Junior and when pricing packages out I am finding that even the packages with the most amount of coaching hours is around 12 - 20. If we are meant to start this process around the beginning of the new year, how often should a student be meeting with their coach?

My initial thought was that they would meet every other week through the end of this school year and then begin weekly meetings come summer and continue weekly meetings through prescreens and final auditions.

This would blow through a package with 12 or even 20 hours of coaching quite quickly.

Is it common that folks purchase multiple packages?

Thank you very much for any and all advice.

  • trying to be less clueless :crazy_face:

The only one I am familiar with is College Audition Coach. You can purchase the regular package and then add on sessions if you need to. I think a lot of people do add a couple more acting sessions to work on classical. But a lot of the coaching happens from groups or reviewing online stuff. I think there is maybe 3 or 4 hours of actual coaching in the price. It kind of depends what you expect them to do. Its not meant to be training or college advising. Think of it as someone who helps you put together your audition package (pick the songs, monologues, schools). You still get your regular voice, dance and acting training elsewhere.

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@Theaterforme thank you! This was very very helpful!

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