Multiple Ethernet Connections

<p>How many ethernet ports are there in a dorm room? Is it possible to bring your wireless router to connect your laptops (mine and roomate's) and possibly two other consoles?</p>

<p>Any setups that have worked for people with multiple laptops/consoles?</p>


<p>Yes, you can do that. Make sure to put a password on it and you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>I have a wireless router in my dorm room. As Chuy said, make sure you put a password on it. Each room has its own personal IP address and VT does monitor upload/download material. They can limit the amount of bandwidth you receive your room or even cut you off completely. To keep this from happening through your wireless router, add a WPA key to it. It will keep random people from connecting to your IP address. The last thing you want is for you and your roommate to get charged for copyright infringement for someone downloading/uploading illegal content. I do think a wireless router is a good idea. It keeps you from having so many wires on your desk.</p>

<p>Hope this helped. Feel free to PM me to ask additional questions. =)</p>

<p>To be honest, VT doesn’t really care too much about copyright content. If you’re caught downloading any sort of illegal content they’ll just send you a sternly worded email and never peruse it. Same goes for bandwidth use, if you use too much bandwidth they’ll just tell you to knock it off for 24 hours.</p>

<p>I agree that a wireless router is a good idea. It’s much nicer to be able to roam around with your laptop.</p>