Multiple fields of interest and I can't choose!

I’m interested in a few career fields that are pretty different from one another, and I’m trying to find some good undergraduate schools and graduate schools for my fields of interest. If possible, I’d like to attend a school that offers scholarship. I’m interested in medicine (pediatric surgeon), literature (novelist/author or journalist), and politics (UN Ambassador or CIA agent). I live in Michigan, but I wouldnt mind going out of state for undergrad so as long as its within the Midwestern states.

Passions and interests change all the time, but practicality is a concept that will not go away.

If you have some interest in medicine, and you’re gifted enough for medical school, then shoot for the stars. Become a pediatric surgeon.

Pre-med does not require any specific major, although it requires some specified course work that can be done alongside any major.

thank you coterie! I’ve been interested in medicine for a long time; I’ve always wanted to help others. I do wonder if writing to people or being directly in charge of what political decisions are made for the people would make more of a difference though.

thank you ucbalumnus! However I thought pre-med was a major in itself (I’m a high school junior, I’m not well versed in how courses are categorized in university)

For what it is worth, I majored in political science and was one class shy of an English minor. Went to medical school. The advice you were given above is sound. Medical school requires a high overall GPA, a high science GPA, high MCATs and a medical related EC to show you know what you getting into. There are a set of classes you have to take but no “major.” However, you want to target a school where you will do well academically and don’t take on much debt for your undergraduate education.

Thank you BearHouse! Now my only question that remains is what university in the US offers scholarships for undergraduate medical studies?

Not something I know a lot about. But there are threads on this site that can help you if you know your grades, test scores and family finances.