<p>MY DS, a HS Sophomore, wants to study music in college. Although he is a very good student, with a full complement of honors and AP classes for next year, he desribes his two music courses daily as the best, most enjoyable, etc. parts of his day. He is involved in every possible musical opportunity offered at his high school, including honors band, orchestra, marching band, jazz ensembles (2), pit band, etc. </p>
<p>So, here comes the question. After lurking on this forum for awhile, I see most people's kids are top notch in a single instrument or genre. My son plays across genres (classical piano, classical percussion, jazz piano, drumkit and vibes, rock drumkit) all at relatively high level (All-state percussionist, winner of competitions, pit band principal pianist etc. etc). </p>
<p>He would like to continue to pursue all genres, on all of his instruments. He is interested in performance (although in piano more as an accompanist or rehearsal pianist than a soloist), but also composition, music tech, etc.</p>
<p>Question is, are there are other kids applying across genres? How does one proceed? Would he audition as a jazz drummer and a classical pianist? Are there specific programs more suitable to kids like this? He is definitely not piano performance major at Julliard class, but still very strong in piano and would not want to give it up.</p>
<p>He has known several top notch jazz kids who have gone to Eastman, and is very interested in this program. I know the piano department is also strong there. We have also known a good jazz percussionist who went to UMich.</p>
<p>Ideas of how to get started? Types of schools or programs?</p>