Multiple Ivy acceptances

I’ve noticed from my own D’s school, as well as from looking at the various Results threads, that when kids are accepted to an Ivy league school, they are often accepted to more than one Ivy league, and/or also Stanford or MIT. For schools that had from 5-10% acceptance rates this past year, this appears remarkable.
Have any of the data driven people on this site gathered data on this informally, from this site? To me it seems like these multiple acceptances at Ivy league schools, when the admittance stats are as low as they are, are an argument AGAINST the “crapshoot” theory.

Of course we know that many highly qualified applicants do not get any acceptances to an Ivy League school, and that those that are accepted do not necessarily have better stats and achievements than those that are not accepted.

With a D that just completed the process, I’m just remarking on how many kids we know personally, as well as those that I see on CC, that are considering multiple Ivy acceptances.

Many many times. The challenge is that the data here is a very small subset. Parchment has also done some number crunching on their site, but as that data is entirely self-reported, I’m not sure how representative it is.

At the end of the day, I’m not sure what anyone hopes to glean from this - it is what it is.