Multiple transcript issue

<p>On applications for grad school (engineering) it says to list all the college that I have attended. Besides my current school, I have attended two others for credit. I have sent my transcripts from these schools to my home institution and the grades appear on my transcript but doesn't count for credit.</p>

<p>I have sent the transcript from my home institution to school A. </p>

<p>I was checking my status for school A and it says that it has received my transcript but is still missing transcripts from the other two schools that I had attended. Do you think this is ok or should I waste 300 dollars to send transcripts from two other schools where I took classes not even related to my major (10 hours total) to all the schools I'm applying to? Since most schools don't review until the package is "complete", I'm afraid that requesting the other two schools for my transcripts will be to no avail since they have long processing times. What should I do?</p>

<p>can I just ignore the fact that I attended the other two universities and report that I only attended my home institution? The problem with this is that they’ll still see the transfer credit on my transcript.</p>

<p>Buck it up. They need to see ALL the transcripts and schools you’ve attended. Sad but true. They need official documentations on your coursework and the grades you received.</p>

<p>At many universities, if part of one’s application is missing (including ALL transcripts), one’s application will not be sent to the appropriate department for review.</p>

<p>Send them, already.</p>

<p>$300? Why on earth would it cost you that much?</p>

<p>In any event, you certainly need to send your transcripts from all schools attended, so hurry up and send them. You don’t want to run the risk of your application not being reviewed.</p>

<p>Do I need to send a transcript from summer school I attended for 2 courses?</p>

<p>Yes, of couirse. Summer or not, any institution that you’ve attended since you started college.</p>

<p>this blows.</p>

<p>You have my sympathy. I have three institutions as well and I am having a devil of a time getting official transcripts where they need to be. Only one of my schools charges for transcripts, so my price is closer to 150.00 but it is still a pain in the ass.</p>

<p>How much do transcripts cost at you guys’ schools? At my undergrad they were only $3 a piece (10-day processing, then put into regular mail) and so for 10 programs it totaled $30. Even if I wanted to rush them all (24-hour processing, then put into regular mail) it was $10 apiece.</p>

<p>8 bucks per transcript at UW Madison. However, a lot of the programs I applied to required a transcript to the department and another to the graduate school. Of course, some of the addresses were messed up on the first go around so I had to reorder more.</p>

<p>Not to hijack the thread but I have a question on the same topic.</p>

<p>In Quebec, we have a two year mandatory pre-university program called CEGEP which is followed by a three year BA. Some Ontario schools and some American schools accept CEGEP credits sort of like AP credits but others don’t. Furthermore, in the list of equivalent degrees, most American schools say that a 3 year BA from a Quebec university is acceptable.</p>

<p>Here’s my question: Do I have to send my CEGEP transcripts (which, admittedly, were all over the mapp grade wise) when it comes time to apply for grad school?</p>

<p>apparently, if it’s post-secondary work I would send it in. </p>

<p>fyi: The price turned out to be about half of $300. Overestimation on my part.</p>

<p>Yeah, the issue I have is that although its technically post-secondary the credits arent recognized as university level everywhere and I number of US schools say that a 3 year BA from Quebec is adequate.
That said, youre probably right that I should just send it in regardless.</p>

<p>I’m glad your application didn’t cost $300, by the way. That’s getting into the Law School zone.</p>

<p>^ I doubt it that you need to. I mean it wasn’t part of the your BA curriculum right? If they say they’ll accept coursework for a BA, then you only need in that transcript, not the other one.</p>


<p>It’s a complex system in that my BA was only three years because I did two years of CEGEP, but then CEGEP credits arent recognized everywhere as college credit and alot of the CEGEP classes I did (i.e. intro to political science) I had to redo in university. I was hoping someone like Prof. X had direct knowledge of procedure in this case, but I guess I should just call up specific schools and ask.</p>

<p>Ah, the Quebec government with their wacky education system. Will they every learn!</p>