<p>So I'm currently a junior at a pretty competitive private school in Virginia. NYU is my absolute #1 and I can't imagine not being there. Right now, I have an approx. 4.03 gpa. I got an 1110 (math+crit. reading) on my first SAT and I know that's not very good at all, but I'm hoping that will go up. I am pretty set on the music business program at Steinhardt, primarily because I am fascinated with the networking world of the music industry. I am fluent in Russian, I have over 150 hours of community service, I play piano, drums and bass with about 10 years experience and a few very significant connections within the jazz world (very serious about music esp. jazz), I'm a member of the NHS and I'm an ambassador for the NSHSC. I was accepted into the Stanford Jazz Institute, one of the premier summer jazz programs in the country available to minors only by competitive audition, at the age of 14 and have been doing the program every summer since. I am also the CFO of a coffee company that my school started (it's actually a real company selling real coffee lol) and I was one of 3 people selected to meet with the CEO of Chikfila, Dan Cathy. I also applied for the What Makes a Star music business summer program at NYU, but I don't know if I got in yet. Given all of these Ec's ect., what do you think my chances are, and also, do you think the course is worth the cost? I was also looking at University of Toronto and Mcgill because I love Canada and those are very good schools. Any and all advice/feedback would be awesome!</p>
@haveaheart‌ you do have great ECs, but you need to get the SAT up to be competitive at NYU (at least to a 1200). My son just got through applying for music business/music industry programs, so I know a bit about the programs. It really depends on the vibe you are seeking but the following schools have prominent music industry programs you should check out: Drexel, Northeastern, USC, U of Miami, Syracuse (Bandier Program), Belmont, Middle Tenn State (yeah I know but look it up!!), Loyola U - New Orleans. Miami, USC, and NYU are at the top of the competitive heap, with Northeastern, Bandier and Belmont at the next tier. American has a business and entertainment major, but also has a good audio technology dept, U of Georgia has a Music Industry Certificate in its business program (Athens is one of the best music towns in the country). If you are more interested in the technology side, like recording and sound, there is a whole other set of schools to consider.
All of the programs have their own pluses and minuses. I would encourage you to do your research and visit schools you like, and meet with the program directors to really get a feel - that was the best thing my S did to really understand the programs. If you have any questions, feel free to message me. My son is still deciding on his acceptances, and we are going back to his top 3 in two weeks to figure it out. Good luck!!